So...after much deliberation, I decided a change was in order. I did it. I cut my hair. Tresses which previously fell below my bra strap, now are only about chin length. Photos to come very soon. It took me about 2 years to grow my hair to its previous length. Two years of being pregnant and/or nursing a baby...all the while loading up on prenatal vitamins. Sigh. It is those very same babies that led to my ultimate decision to cut my hair. I never, I repeat, NEVER did my hair. It was always pulled back in a ponytail. So I figured now, I will have no choice. No ponytail option, so style I must.
Oh yes, and to contribute in my very small way, I am donating my hair to locks of love for Cancer Awareness Month. I am also donating a hat (made by my amazing niece, Katja) to a campaign which is being run by Mckmama. You can find out more about it here. Feel moved to contribute? Please do!
Back later with pictures. Please feel free to comment and let me know what you think! I would love to hear from you.