Super Noob + TIME

Taking One for the Team

I had my first meeting tonight with a local Mom's Meet Up Group. Fun! Smart on my part to chose one that was designated a Mom's night. I was able to actually focus on the women there and have conversations without the incessant demands of my angelic (tongue in cheek) babes. I am so glad I decided to do this. I look forward to having planned activities to do with my kids. You know, the zoo and the park lose their luster after the hundreth time in the same week. Okay, so I don't really take them 100 times in a week. But doesn't it count if it feels that way?

In any case, I actually ran into a college friend tonight. She is a member of this group as well, and I was definitely excited to see her there. Her two children are very close in age to my little ones. I don't know if it was the great company, the fact that I had a familiar face there, or the one beer I let myself drink (had to drive) let's just say it was a culmination of the three that had me saying things like "Oh yes, I have bladder control issues after having the second one." What? Did that really just come out of my mouth? That brings to mind depends, and walkers (not that there is anything wrong with anyone at any age using either). Just that I don't. Nor do I need to. But still, those words did escape my lips tonight. What I was ineptly trying to explain was how before kids I could hold it...for a long time. Now, not so much. Oh I try, when I am in the midst of making meals and wiping bottoms, and blowing noses, and getting juices I definitely try to eek out every extra moment I can. Just not as successfully as I used to before kids. If I push it just that one second too far...yep, you guessed it. I pee a little. Nice, right? I can't really believe that I am sitting here sharing this either, but what the heck. I know I am not alone in this. So if no one else cares to share, I will. Let's say I am taking one for the team ;)

Arizonamamma, art, kids, and more:

Taking One for the Team + TIME