Super Noob + TIME

Five Question Friday

A little late today, but better late than never...or so I am told. This is Five Question Friday courtesy of Mama M. Want to play along? Just copy the following questions, paste them into your blog post, and answer away...oh then link 'er up.

1. Are you a Black Friday shopper?
2. What was your favorite childhood toy? (Think Easy Bake Oven, Cabbage Patch Kid, Shrinky Dinks, etc.)
3. Favorite Christmas movie?
4. What is the "must have" item on your Christmas list this year?
5. Do you go all out with decorations or do you keep it simple and classy?

1. Are you a Black Friday shopper?
Ahhhh...NO! No way. No way, no how. Could I be any clearer? Not a fan of shopping as it is, not really. Throw in masses of people all crowded together in one place, fighting over the same items like the mindless seagulls from FInding Nemo...again, NO!

2. What was your favorite childhood toy?
I think I would have to say it was the old Speak N Spell. I could play with that thing forever. Fascinating isn't it? Maybe I was a deprived child. I did have a Cabbage Patch doll when it was all the rave the first go around. That was thanks to my Grandma!

3. Favorite Christmas movie?
Every year as a child I waited for the t.v. showing of How the Grinch Stole Christmas. I still love that movie. The original animated one though! I also love all the old claymation Rudolp, and The Year Without Santa.

4. What is the "must have" item on your Christmas list this year?
Easy. I have been putting off getting myself the Canon EF 50 mm 1.8 lens with the hope that Santa would think I am worthy of it this year. I promise I have been good...mostly.

5. Do you go all out with decorations, or do you keep in simple and classy?
What is simple and classy? All out for sure. Lights on the house, lighted figures in our yard. Big tree inside, santas and snowmen abound. I actually have this crazy affinity for snowmen. I think they are the best decorations. I prefer them to anything else. Needless to say, we have a lot of snowman stuff ;)

So how about you? If you don't care to do the whole thing in a post you can answer any or all of these questions right here in the comments. Come on, you know you want to.

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Christmas, favorite, Five Question Friday, HOPE, house, love, movie, people, and more:

Five Question Friday + TIME