Super Noob + TIME

Do You Text and Drive?

Recently I started a discussion about texting and driving in my community (speaking of, if you have yet to join, come on over and do it now...such a great place to share/receive insights on everything). It seems that the majority of people who responded all agree that texting while driving is a major no no. I concur.

According to a 2007 national survey of 1,000 16- and 17-year-old drivers by AAA, 46 percent admit to texting while driving. A study by Students Against Drunk Driving (SADD) and Liberty Mutual Insurance Group showed that:

  • Text messaging is the largest distraction for teenagers while driving
  • Text messaging behind the wheel is as dangerous as driving drunk
  • 37% of the 900 teenagers in the study sent and received text messages while driving, even though they found it "very distracting"
That information doesn't even account for the number of adults who text and drive, and being an adult does not make a person exempt from the dangers. Does that mean I am not guilty of having done it myself? Pft. Yeah right. I have done it. Just like I have driven after drinking (years ago, and I have very strong opinions on the matter...but that's a post for a later date). While I am guilty of texting a driving, I have vowed to no longer committ the act.

Nothing is so important that it would take precedent over the safety of my children, myself, and other drivers on the road. The sheer audacity required to believe that one is capable of managing both tasks simultaneously astounds me. While I trust myself and my driving, there are thousands of others sharing the roads with me, and I have to trust that they are being safe as well. If I am averting my attention to a text, then it stands to reason, that many others are as well. That makes for a lot of distraction on the road. A lot of near misses, and almosts, and OMG's. makes for an irrevocably devestating impact. I couldn't bare it if I were the cause or the effect in the latter. Could you?

I am certain I am coming across like I am on a high horse, and believe me, I'm not. As I've said, I have done it so many times I couldn't even count. Then I saw this video that was made in the UK, and it started me really thinking about it. Who the heck am I? I'm not impervious to the ramifications of dangerous driving. My children are not indestructible, and I am guessing that yours aren't either. Why on earth do I do this? No more. Not for me. I won't be so bold as to say that I will save a life by making this vow, but I know I won't be one who takes a life by not making it. What about you?

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Do You Text and Drive? + TIME