I was thinking that lately that I have been doing way too many of these meme things and not enough writing just my own thoughts. Then I slapped myself and said "snap out of it." So, here I am...once again, sharing with Keely and the gang. If you're new to these parts (and I sincerley thank you for joining) then you haven't seen this before. If you want to join in, just copy the questions and answer them in a post of your own, and link up to MannLand5.
The questions..
1. Waffles, pancakes or french toast?
Gotta say it's a toss up between pancakes and french toast. French toast if it's done right. Either way I have to have a little butter and powdered sugar on top. If I'm going to indulge...I'm not going in half way.
**If I'm eating for health, I actually have a recipe for very healthy, protein packed pancakes**
2. Dream home..What would it look like?
Heck, it could be a cardbaord box if it had a kitchen like this...
3. Favorite sport to watch during the Winter Olympics?
Ice skating, though I much prefer summer olympics...and eventhough it wasn't asked, I'm going to tell you anyway, that then I love to watch swimming.
4. The first word that comes to mind when describing yourself?
5. Dresses, pants (jeans, leggings, etc.) or skirts?
Jeans all the way...for like a month out of the year. Then, it's shorts, tanktops and flip flops.
6. What is your favorite time of day?
Night. It's the only time of day when I can hear the voices in my head myself think.
7. Beach or Mountains..which do you prefer?
Really? This would be like asking me which kid I love most. There is so much to love about each, and they are so different. Even looking at the bad...on one hand Jaws has me marked, and the other there is a bear waiting to turn me into shredded beef.
8.Will you watch the Super Bowl?
No! I will be in my photography class.