Super Noob + people

Who Has the Dirtiest Mouth?

We are conducting an experiment in the name of science. Heading up the experiment is Drew. It's for his 6th grade project.

After having several ideas dashed to bits by the science teacher, Drew finally found (well, Andy found, but who's keeping score), a grand idea. Who has the dirtiest mouth? The subjects? Two dogs, two horses, and two people. Drew has to test in order to prove his theory. He believes (as do I), that the people will have the dirtiest mouths. Orbit anyone? Followed by the horses, then finally, coming in with the cleanest of the three types, the dogs.

In a petri dish he has mixed a sterile solution of agar (forms a gelatin), upon which he swipes a swab that has been rubbed in the mouth of the subject. He is to make observations daily, and note any changes.

The project began last night, and already the two dishes with activity guessed it...the people. Condensation is forming in the veritable hot house of germs within the peoples' petri dishes. Nothing so far on the others.

Isn't this riveting? Soon, we will all be armed with the ever so useful knowledge, and answer to the age old question...Who has the dirtiest mouth?

Stay tuned!

Drew, house, mix, Our Family, and more:

Who Has the Dirtiest Mouth? + people