More than likely as you read this, I am sitting in my photography class dutifully soaking up as much as I can from the instructor who, thus far, lectures by reading from the FREAKING book. Ah well, I am holding out hope that he steps up his game. In any case, the most fabulous Keely is not only hosting her Sunday "Getting to Know You" again, she also sent me the questions ahead of time so that I could participate like the good little follower I am.
You too can be a lemming supporting follower by copying/pasting these questions, answering them in a post of your own and linking up with Keely. Or not. You can always give me your down and dirty here in the comments. I love comments...don't you?
Without further horse$h!t ado, here are the questions:
1. How often do you wash/change your sheets?
Lately it has been about every other week. That sounds pretty good. Let me just throw in that it is due to my daughter having two accidents during naptime (she will only nap in my bed) within the last month. Prior to that, let's just say I'd be embarrassed to fess up.
2. When is your birthday?
El once del Abril.
3. Have you ever met a bloggy friend in real life?
Not yet. But I just learned that a blogger I like a lot lives like 6 houses away from me. I won't say who she is though, she is part of the witness protection program, and I don't want to single handedly send her family into a state of panic, causing them to uproot for the thousanth time in their lives...okay, really it's because she is more open about the city she lives in than I am...yet. Pst...hey neighbor...don't tell ;)
4. Brad Pitt or George Clooney?
Brad Pitt, as long as he is Thelma and Louise's Brad Pitt.
5. If you could change one thing about your body what would it be?
Currently, I guess it would have to be the saggy flaps of skin on my chest that used to be known as breasts. Don't want them bigger, just...well, perkier.
6. How often do you wash your hair?
You mean there are moms out there who still do?
7. Do you have pets?
Are horses pets? If so, then yes...two horses.
8. How many social networks do you belong to..if you had to give up one, what would it be?
Four. Twitter would get the boot with nary a tear shed by me. I am not in love with Twitter, but I am trying.
Wasn't that short and sweet, and easy to read? Can't wait to check out what everyone else has to say later tonight. So, be sure to let me know if you played along. Or, like I said before...just comment here and I'll still come see what you have goin' on.