Super Noob + TIME

Just Me and My Little Boy
Colton and Me Mt. Lemmon 3 (2)

I had this photo last week…it was taken the same time that the pictures of Drew and I were taken, but I cheated and saved it so I would have a post for this week…even though I didn’t have a new picture. To make up for it, I decided to post this same picture again…only with an action I downloaded from The Coffee Shop. I think Julie would be proud of me. Or she would at least say it was about stinkin’ time! I am always whining about my lack of editing skills. So, this time, I decided to try a little something.

Colton and Me Mt with action

Granted, it was an action…so really, someone else did all the work for me. But the accomplishment was that I figured out how to download the action. Finally.Now, head on over to see Julie at The Peanut Gallery…exit here. Join in the fun while you’re there. It really is fun!

Mom n' Me Monday, and more:

Just Me and My Little Boy + TIME