I have read MckMama's Not Me Monday Posts for a long time now, but never had a blog of my own to try it out. Well now I do...so here we go. This week I did not go in to my crying daughter at bed time to see what was wrong only to discover she did not need to blow her nose. So I most certainly did not use the T-shirt I was wearing to let her blow her nose. I would never be that lazy.
I did not give my children dry cheerios in church just to try to keep them quiet, and when a few dropped on the floor, I absolutely did not let my youngest eat them! I mean, everyone knows how dirty the floor must be.
I did not do laundry this past week only to let it pile up unfolded on my couch. It is not still sitting there even today. And I would never post a picture of it for all the world all five of my readers to see!
Why would I ever do that? So, do you have your own Not Me's to share? If so, go over to MckMama's blog and join in! If not, have fun reading about everthing everyone else is not doing.