My name is Shannon, and I am a blogaholic. Seriously. If this were recognized as a real addiction, I would have to say that I am afflicted. It is the most spectacular way to let go of whatever it is I've got going on in my head. It allows me to have some me time. I love that people actually read what I have to say, and more often than not, have interesting, funny, witty or just nice comments to leave.
Like any addiction, there are lows that follow the high. For me, the low is the serious blogetition. Not because there are so many blogs out there, or even that there are so many out there that cover the same array of topics. What I am referring to is this sort of desperate need for more more more more more. Followers that is. Oh, and to be very clear, I have this same need. You see, having followers is like the ultimate validation. People actually want to read what I have to say. What a strangely awesome feeling. Wait...I was supposed to be describing the low here. Low comes when that number (you know which number I mean) doesn't change despite any and all efforts to the contrary.
In times of the low, I find that I read posts on blogs I love, and think to myself "ah...I completely get that!" Then..."now why didn't I think to write about that?" Then comes the inevitable blogger's block. Blogger's block for me is paralysis by analysis. Too much time spent thinking about what others might like to read rather than what I want to write. Thinking about how I could make something funny, when really it's just not. Too much time worrying about my tendency to be introspective. Well, not tonight.
No more pandering. (Here is where I should slip in a little note about the fact that none of the posts thus far that have made it up onto my blog have been of the pandering variety). No, that only happens in my head.
While I may be broody or moody or at times even downright melancholy in my introspection (sorta like here), it is me. It's how I occasionally feel inspired to write. It's how I feel authentic, and let me tell you this...I would take authenticity over originality any day of the week and twice on Sunday.