Every now and again I think it's fun to participate in something new. So, today I am trying out Mama M's Five Question Friday. Want to play along yourself? Link on up at the end of this post.
1. What is your favorite "eat" on Thanksgiving?
This is a tough one. Usually someone ends up making a great vegetable dish. My favorite was my Aunt S's roasted vegetables. They were amazing! Turkey, is okay, but not my favorite.
2. What is the name your best girl friend and the best trait about her or how you met (or heck, both!!)
Her name is Renee. Her best trait? Really that is almost impossible as there are so many. Her loyalty and dedication are huge. As for how we met...we were freshmen in highschool. I was wearing a Guess jeans shirt and shorts (my only ones) and she asked me how much I paid for them. I told her I didn't, that they were a gift. She said "Oh, well that's good because I couldn't see paying so much just for an outfit." Who in the heck did she think she was is what went through my head that day. Funny that our friendship grew and lasted so long!
3. What would you say is one of your "weirdest" quirks?
Probably my complulsive need for the covers to be perfect before I can get into bed. Even after I am in bed, I have to have them "just so." I drive my husband crazy every night with this. You would think he would just build a bridge and get over it by now. Nope. Makes him nuts.
4. What is your favorite genre of music? (Hip hop? Classical? Rock? etc.)
Classic rock. But the real classic rock. Not the stuff from the 80's that classic rock radio stations are starting to play. A close second is country music. Gotta love that.
5. Are you a Night Owl...or an Early Bird?
Despite many attempts to change my behavior, I have always been, and fear am destined to always be, a night owl. However, I still have to rise and shine when the kids do (unless it's a weekend and Andy let's me sleep a little later).