Free day. That is Saturday for me. Not free day like: woo kids, it's a free day. No. I am referring to food. I have mentioned before that I am on a quest to lose the last of my unwanted (though I have yet to meet a woman who refers to it any other way) weight. So as part of my quest I eat really well six days out of seven.
Then, on Saturday I allow myself to indulge. Typically this means I have whatever I want for dinner and a dessert. Sometimes, however, it means that I eat pretty badly most of the day and then I still have that dessert. Days like today. Days that have me waking up the next day with a junk food hangover. Days that have me vowing to never do that again. But I digress...a little.
Free day is the day that keeps me on track for the other six. Without it I would indulge here, and there, and here again. Those extra calories would sneak their way in without me realizing it, causing me to veer off course of my goal. My free day makes the other six as easy as...well, pie.
Eating well is really not that difficult, even for a self professed sweet addict, when you have a day to look forward to. For me, it sometimes even serves as a reminder day. A reminder of just how lousy I feel when I eat all that food devoid of any nutrition. It actually has me craving grilled salmon and roasted broccoli.
So I highly recommend this to you if you have a weight loss goal of your own. But...and it's a big but, you have to be diligent for the other six days. If free day was Saturday, then you have to ignore the doughnut that calls out like a siren song on Sunday. Ignore the voice that says "one won't hurt" when doling out snacks to the little ones. Just remember that you will have your day of carnage before long, then soon, you will be stepping into those "skinny" jeans.