I have been operating almost on autopilot this entire day. Nearly numb waiting for news...but praying for news like THIS. I am elated, which probably only scratches the surface of the joy MckMama and her family must feel.
I am amazed by her story, and how it has affected so many people all over the world. Crazy...this thing called blogging. Mckmama (for the very few of you who have not read her blog) is an inspiration to so many. Inspiring even in the most mundane day to day details, let alone how she has handled the situation with her youngest son, Stellan.
If I am being totally honest (and that is what I aim to be 100% of the time), she was the reason I started my blog. Not because I wanted to be like her, but because I would read her posts, and find myself with things swimming in my head. These things, aka thoughts, needed an outlet. This is mine. It matters not to me whether I have one million readers or one. I write these posts for me, and for my family...and anyone who cares to read. However, I have gotten a little off the beaten path here.
Back to what this post was all about to begin with...Mckmama. Through her blog, and with her amazing story, I have been inspired. Inspired in more ways than just to begin a blog. On a very personal level, she has inspired in me a deeper faith in God. Even if this story had had a different outcome, mine would still be the same. For that I believe a sincere thank you is in order. So...thank you, Jennifer. Your one life has touched so many.