Super Noob + TIME

Yee-Haw and Thanks! **Updated with My Choices**

It is about time I stop procrastinating (though I do that so well). Without further delay, and in no order of preference, here are my selections for the heartfelt blogger award:
1. Lolidots-because her site is great, and she was the only one who sent me a little help when I requested it. Thanks.
2. The (Un) Experienced Mom- because she most often writes posts that have me saying "man, have I been there!"
3. Harmonysong-for our shared love of all things Stellan ;)
4. The Zoo Keeper's Diary-because she is pretty darn funny, and what's better for the heart than a good laugh?
5. All a Bunch of Momsense-Because even though she just received it, I still find her blog very worthy of yet another!

Now I know that is not 9, and you can call me a rebel...but I am stopping there. I would so rather do it like this than just pick 9 randomly. Enjoy, ladies.
***Original Post****
Yee-Haw because I just got my first taste of recognition for my little brainchildren rambling posts. Elizabeth of Confessions from a Working Mom chose me along with some fellow bloggers for this "Heartfelt Blogger" award. Thank you, Elizabeth, so much!

Now here is what I have to do:

1. Display the award logo.
2. Nominate up to 9 blogs that make you feel comfy or warm inside.
3. Link to your nominees.
4. Let them know they have been nominated by commenting.
5. Link to the person from whom you receieved the award.

Choosing 9 additional people will take me a couple of days since I am so new to blogging. If you have any suggestions...I am all ears, er, eyes. :)

art, Awards, love, people, person, and more:

Yee-Haw and Thanks! **Updated with My Choices** + TIME