Five Question Friday is hosted by Mama M. It's a fun little way to do a post and not have to think all much about it. Sometimes that is just what the doctor blogger ordered. When I read these questions this week I just had to participate. I like them. I like them a lot (in my best Jim Carey voice). Here's the deal, you copy the following questions into a post, answer them and link 'er up to Mama M. Easy.
The questions are:
1. Favorite gift you are GIVING this year?
2. How many parties are you attending between now and Christmas?
3. What is your favorite Christmas song?
4. Who was your favorite elementary school teacher and why?
5. If you had a choice to live in any other period of time (other than now) what era would you choose and why?
1. Favorite gift you are giving this year?
Okay, the problem with this is that I have done about 5% of my shopping. So I can't say yet what my favorite gift given will be. I keep hoping for an epiphany to hit so I can slam out my shopping. Hasn't happened.
2. How many parties are you attending between now and Christmas?
One. Watch animal here. Really, my husband and I are hosting the holiday party for his sales team. So since I am hosting it, that has to count as like two, right?
3. What is your favorite Christmas song?
I have two. Without hesitation they are Feliz Navidad and Bruce Springsteen's version of Santa Claus is Comin' to Town. Feliz Navidad is fun and upbeat, and it reminds me of my brother. When he was in second grade his class did a dance to the song, and it was hilarious. As far as Bruce's version of the other song...I just love it. No story.
4. Who was your favorite elementary school teacher and why?
I can tell you right off who my least favorite was...but that wasn't the question. Favorite? Hmmm. I will have to say it was my 5th grade teacher Mr. Sayers. He was so old fashioned and pretty strict, but he would always say when he saw me "Shannon Marie, a sight to see." Thinking of it now, it seems a little strange, but then I ate it up.
5. If you had to choose to live in any other period of time (other than now) what era would you choose and why?
What era did Anne of Green Gables live in? Whatever that was...that's what I pick. I was in love with those books when I was younger. School so small it was in one room, traveling by horse and carriage, beautiful boys named Gil. Yep...gave me stars in the old peepers. So that is where I'd be.
Your turn. You can answer any or all of them right here in the comments, or get loco and do a post of your own and link up.