Contest Update:
First things first, for those of you who want to win a blog makeover, be sure to go back and read this now...or after you're done here. As for the contest...the currents stats are: Elizabeth at Our Journey Through Life has two points. Mindy at Part of Me also has two points, and Heidi at From 3 to 5 has one point. The contest is over January 1st, so there is still plenty of time to get in the running.
I am feeling stark raving mad slightly harried this morning with all that needs to be done. My husband's holiday party is being hosted here tomorrow, and I have not a thing done. That's right not one thing! Fortunately, Andy is taking the day off tomorrow to help me. I have decided to do all the cooking myself rather than cater (I must have made that decision after taking a long slow pull off the crack pipe). In addition to the meal, I need to make cookies, toffee and appetizers. Did I mention my house is not even party ready yet? There are toys still on the living room floor, the windows need to be washed (as do the floors) dusting needs to be done, the vacuuming is not taking care of itself, and the shopping fairy still has yet to make an appearance...sigh. I supppose I will have to do that myself too.
Needless to say, my usual oh so calm and put together self has been replaced by a stark raving lunatic. But the screaming, yelling, pouting, sassing and all around unpleasant behavior out of my two little ones this morning is totally helping. Yeah, helping to unravel the last of my rapidly fraying nerves.
So tomorrow will come, and it will either go off without a hitch, or I will be drooling in a padded room within the sterile walls of an asylum. I'm cool with that.