Super Noob + TIME

Spoiled for Christmas?

Growing up, my brother and I were never those kids that got spoiled rotten for Christmas. Oh, we received plenty, and were always grateful for what we did get. In fact, I remember the year I got my acid washed denim jacket, walkman and New Kids on the Block tape. Wow! Did I just say all of those things in the same sentence? I loved that jacket! I wore it all of the time. That walkman was played so much that in the first few days I already needed new batteries. The tape? Please don't tell anyone that I had posters of them plastered all over my wall...absolutey sure that if Marky Mark ever met me and really got to know me, that he would fall head over heels. Pft. Right.

Fast forward to last night. My husband and I were talking about the kids (ours not New) and their gifts. We have decided not to go crazy on them. The reason simply being, we don't want to instill in them at such a young age, a gluttonous attitude. Certainly they will not be deprived...they will all receive plenty, but not so much that they don't appreciate the things that they do get. I long for them to look forward to the celebration with family and friends. I want them to cherish those times as much as I always have. Presents were nice, okay...awesome...but they were not everything. I want my children to look forward, with anxious anticipation, to giving someone that perfect gift just as much as they look forward to getting it.

Just like I mentioned in this post, I believe my kids to be blank slates, waiting to be marked. It's my desire to teach my children at a young age about the many joys of Christmas. My daughter already has a giving spirit, and I intend to nurture it.

When asked what she wants from Santa this year, my daughter's reply is "candy and a radio." Truly if that were all she received...her Christmas will have been made! Now, don't get all in an uproar on me, we are totally getting her more than that. Just not so much more that next year the greed will overtake her. As for Colton, I have an inkling that he will be enthralled with simply tearing open the packages...and Drew, he made a list, and between us and family, he is pretty much getting everything on it. So before you go feeling all sorry for our munchkins, rest assured that the visions of sugar plums dancing in their heads will surely become a reality.

So spill it. Do you go crazy with gift giving for the kids? I started a discussion about it in my new Blog Frog community...would love it if you found time to come over and join and jump in the discussion. You can reach the community through the widgit down on the left of my sidebar. Oh, and of course I still would love to have comments here. I know, I ask for the world.

art, Christmas, family, gifts, Holidays, kids, love, and more:

Spoiled for Christmas? + TIME