For over ten years now I have only dared dream about travelling to Russia. It wasn’t until last year that I really began to consider it as an actual possibility, but even then, it seemed so distant. Just a wisp of a possibility.
Then, my husband recently said to me “why don’t you just go. Go this year!” In that instant, the wisp of possibility began to take shape. The shape of something tangible. Reality. I’m going to Russia! Along with a very good friend of mine (as encouraging as Andy is about it all, he has zero interest in going with me). She and I will be setting off to an unknown (to us) world sometime in September 2011. I am giddy whenever I think about it.
So much to plan between now and then. So much to consider. I am wide open to ideas or advice!!
Back in the US, back in the US, back in the USSR! (Oh, I know it's now the Russian Federation), but the lyrics from that song just seemed to fit.