I am assuming since you are reading further, you haven't reached that point yet. I'm grateful for that! I am absolutely sweet on my readers, and to all those who have recently joined me...a big fat KISS and a heartfelt thank you! Moving on...Thanks to Keely for once again, providing us all with the perfect Sunday post. I now look forward to it each week. If you haven't played along, you should. Oh, and Keely...I might have a question or two for ya for next time if you are open to suggestions.

1. If you were stranded on a desert island and could pick one person to be stranded with you..Who would you pick? Family members not included.
Okay, this one is going to sound morbid, and maybe a little weird. But it won't be the first time I have seemed a little weird. I had a best male friend when I was younger, and when we were twenty he passed away. Now before you go saying things like "I'm sorry, etc. I am not trying to elcit that sort of response. It's been 14 years since it happened. Anyway, since this is an imaginary question, and since I can choose whomever I want, I would choose him. He was a carpenter by trade so it would be no time before we were living in Swiss Family Robinson Style.
2. Do you read celebrity gossip?
Once upon a time I did. These days I'm not interested, and probably more than that, I don't have time. Occasionally, something will catch my eye in the checkout line, and I am lured as if it were a siren song. Other than those times, no...I don't.
3. Favorite show you're waching this season?
Does Grey's Anatomy count? There hasn't been a new episode in a looong time, but I love that show. If it doesn't count, then sadly and with much shame, I will say the Bachelor.
4. How tall are you?
I'm 5'7". I would love to be 5'8". I think it's the perfect height. Gracefully tall.
5. What was the last book you read?
Brother Odd by Dean Koontz. I am suffering reading through Odd Hours currently. I like Koontz, but am not a huge fan of these books. Why, then am reading the whole series? That's just how I roll. Once I begin a book, I have to finish it...no matter how horrid. I should say, these books aren't horrid, I just don't like them much.
6. Flats or heels?
Middle of the road I guess. I don't wear flats, but my heels are not neck breakers. I have always been athletic, and still am, but when it comes to the sort of coordination required to don some fabulously high heels, I just aint got it!
7. If you had to choose one natural disaser to go through, what would you choose..Earthquake, Tornado, or Hurricane?
Can I cheat and say none of the above? Oh, okay. Then I guess I would say earthquake. But only so long as I am just visiting wherever it was happening, and I survive. On a sidenote, I used to think I would like to be on a plane that was going down, but pulls through at the last minute. Not sure what I was thinking, because now there is no way in hell I would want to experience that.
8. Thong, panties, or (gasp) granny panties?
I wore panties (though not my granny's) forever. Like until I was about 25. Then I finally came around. I used to say "I spend so much time digging my drawers outta my behind, why would I wear something designed to sit up my arse." Then, I tried them...and they were torture (come on, don't say they weren't for you too). But...after getting used to it, there was no going back. All I wear now.
What about you? Want to play along? Copy and paste the questions in your own post, answer them and link up to Keely. It's fun! Since I so adore comments, you can feel free to leave me some as well ;)
Happy Sunday,