Sonora at Twinfinity did a post confessing her ownership of a gun, and DG at Diary of a Mad Bathroom did a couple of posts about a crazy slightly eccentric uncle, and both ladies prompted me to write this one.
I own a gun. In fact, we own two guns. I have a twenty two rifle, while my husband has a shotgun. We don't own them for protection...our ammunition isn't even kept in the same part of the house as our unloaded weapons. We have them only for recreational purposes.
When I was about six or seven, and my brother was about four, we began learning about guns...both use and safety. Yep, at the tender age of seven I could take a twenty two rifle and shoot a soda can onto its side from about 150-200 feet away. My father is a huge advocate of teaching children at a very young age to have respect for weapons, specifically guns. It's his belief that by introducing the proper handling of guns, you eliminate the mystery and intrigue...the fascination held by many young people is lost. Having been raised that way, I can say for myself and my brother that this theory proved true. We have never felt the need handle or even look at the guns without an adult present. Our respect for them is great.
My experience, while it has made me a believer in my dad's teachings, also has me readying myself for my own children. Drew has already been shooting with my dad, my husband, and my brother. He began when he was about six or seven. So, like us, he has no fascination for the would be bringers of injury or death. I fully intend to teach my youngest ones sooner than later as well.
There are some things from which children should be shielded for as long as possible. One example off the cuff for me would be pornography. I am sure a very creative person might be able to draw some sort of flimsy parallel between gun and pornography exposure...but it would be just that...flimsy.
I may take a lot of flack for this, but I am a staunch believer in exposing my kids to guns while young. Now before you get all judgmental on me...think about how much safer kids would be if they didn't have a keen interest in guns. How many children would be spared from senseless (not that there is another type) accidental shootings at the hands of another child? The whole purpose is teaching them proper handling, safety and respect...not to turn them into firearm wielding maniacs. Finally, please note that my belief in teaching them at a young age does not alleviate the parent of the burden of keeping weapons stored safely out of reach of little hands. This you can liken to having a pool. Does a fence around it alleviate the parents of the responsiblity to carefully guard their children against drowning accidents? Absolutely not, and so it is with guns.