Super Noob + TIME

The Winner Is Winners Are...

Here it is...the winner results of the Lisa Leonard Giveaway. I used to generate the number, but I have zero idea how to get the picture of the actual screen onto here, so you will pretty much have to take my word for it! The winner is lucky number 61, Shana. So Shana, please contact me with your email info, and Lisa will be in touch with you soon regarding your gift! Congratulations.

Min: 1
Max: 87
Powered by RANDOM.ORG

Now, I know I told you all that if you didn't win, you could go over and use 'arizonamamma' to get 10% off any purchase you make with her. So take advantage of that. What I didn't tell you, is that there would be two winners!!! What? Yes, I am sneaky like that. So winner number two...

Min: 1
Max: 87
Result: 40
Powered by RANDOM.ORG #40, Kate. Congratulations, Kate...please contact me with your email and I will put Lisa in touch with you too.

A huge thanks to all who participated. It was fun, don't you think? I only wish I could have announced you all got a prize. Oh well, maybe next time ;)

art, gifts, Giveaways, and more:

The Winner Is Winners Are... + TIME