Super Noob + TIME

Maybe You Asked Me on the Wrong Day
My Little Life

Friday in Blogland just couldn't get any better. Mama M. has some really great questions this week, and I couldn't keep away (not that I would try). Something about question and answer that is just so...well, simply fun!

This week's questions are:

1. What is better, growing old with out money or dying young and wealthy?
This is not a difficult question at all. I would absolutely say growing old without money. Money is great, don't get me wrong, and we are doing our best to earn a penny or two, and I'm glad we have it, but it's not what makes my world go 'round. I think about my kids, and how happy they are...seemingly without a care in the world. They would be just as happy if we were all living together in a one room apartment with no toys. All that they need is food in their tummies, a roof over their heads and mommy and daddy to love them. We could all learn a lot from our little ones.

2. Who takes out the garbage at your house?
Either Drew or Andy. On the very rare ocassion, I do. That happens only when no one has done it, the boys are not around, and I can't even cram in one more gum wrapper.

3. Have you ever had the same dream many times?
Yes, unfortunately I wouldn't classify it as a dream. I have recurring nightmares of either sharks, or someone chasing me. The chasing me nightmares are not that big of a deal because I have taken to flying in my dreams, and when someone chases me, I just take off in flight ;) The sharks are a little trickier...haven't quite managed to master them yet.

4. Can you play a musical instrument?
I played the flute for many, many years and still can. I also have had some piano lessons as an adult, and can play at an amateur level. I stopped just before Colton was born, and would love to take it up again.

5. If you owned your own store, what would you sell?
Child muzzles.

art, Five Question Friday, food, HAPPY, house, kids, love, money, room, and more:

Maybe You Asked Me on the Wrong Day + TIME