As I lay my head on my pillow last night at 11pm, I thought to myself, “I had already been in labor for two hours four years ago.” Asleep in the room across the hall, was the little angel that blessed me in a way that can’t be put into words. Today she is four years old.
There is a Garth Brooks song which has lyrics that read “She’s sun and rain, she’s fire and ice…a little crazy but it’s nice.” Now I know he’s referring to a woman, but man…does that ever some up my daughter.
Addyson is her own person. 100% of the time. She’s feisty, and she’s so smart. She’s independent, and she’s so compassionate. She loves her family, and she adores her blankie. Her little brother is her best friend...but he's also the biggest pain in her ass backside. And of course, we all adore her. After all, she walks around carrying our hearts with her wherever she goes.

Happy birthday, my little peanut. It hardly seems fair that you’re already four. I love you with every fiber of my being.
With love,