My Dearest Addyson,
Three years ago today you took your first breath...and in many ways so did I. When you made your way into this world, mine changed forever. Instantly my heart swelled with love, joy, pride and fear. Oh I had heard all about how the love for one's child is unmatched by any other...but I didn't really get it. Not until you. When I gazed upon your face for the first time, I understood. My love for you was immediate and immeasurable. Love so strong it almost hurt. Love so strong I never fathomed that it could grow any more.
I was so wrong. With each passing day my heart and the love within are ever growing. You astound me with your intelligence. With your capacity for compassion. With your love for me, your daddy, and your brothers. Every day you bring me to the brink of my sanity, just to reel me right back in with an unexpected hug or kiss. You are a challenge, knowing exactly what you want and how you want it...accepting no substitutions nor any delays. You are a pistol, a never ceasing font of energy. You stretch my patience to the limit, then sweetly melt my heart not moments later. You are tender and wise beyond your three little years.
It hardly seems fair that three years have already passed. I wish I could soak up every second and every moment so they may be stored at the ready for me to relive any time I desire. Every day I memorize each line of your face, count every new freckle. And every day I watch you as you become someone I never dreamed you'd be. Dreaming of the person you are would have been impossible. You have surpassed my every expectation, my every desire, my every hope. You have fufilled my every wish, Addyson. You have not only made me a mother...each day you teach me just what that means.
Happy birthday, little peanut. I love you simply more than you will ever truly know.