I almost forgot that it was time for Five Question Friday. Then I saw the reminder Mama M. left at The Blog Frog. These may be some of my favorite questions yet. Well, a couple of them anyway. If you'd like to answer too, do a post and link up to My Little Life.
1. What are you most afraid of?
I used to be afraid of dying. I still am, don't let me fool you. But now, my biggest fear, beyond a shadow of doubt, is something happening to one of my children. At times I even feel a little panick stricken thinking about all there is that could happen. It's seriously a sick obsession for which I have considered seeking help. Really, I have thought about talking to our Priest...but honestly don't want to hear about how I need to let go of my earthly bonds, etc. If it were that easy, I would have done it already.
2. Do you use a flat iron or curling iron?
I have used both, but not for a long time. My hair is as short as it is now because when it was long, I seldom managed to do anything other than pull it back into a ponytail. Now it's just a round brush and hair dryer.
3. Hands-free or phone to the ear?
Phone to the ear. I have to say this...I don't have anything against the hands-free set, but when you are in a place where you don't need it, then get over yourself. I don't mean you, the you reading this. I mean the self-important morons who speak loud enough for everyone in a mile radius to hear, while sitting at a table in a restaurant, using hands-free (or vitually anywhere that its use would be just frivilous). What the? Serious?
4. Do you have a matching bedroom set?
Yes. Me gusta mucho!
5. Do you believe in the paranormal?
Hmmm. Let's see. My normal answer would be, I just don't know. However, this is catching me at an apropos time. Andy has been out of town the past two nights, and I have been awake until the wee hours, jumping at every little noise, straining to see shadows in the dark, and avoiding looking towards the location on the walls which house mirrors. Make of it what you will.
Your turn. Don't care to post, leave me a comment or two with some answers. I'm interested in what people have to say to numbers 1 and 5 the most.
Oh, and do you have any quirks that others view as off the wall? I do...you can read about my crazy here if yo haven't yet.