I have been remiss. It has been at least a couple of weeks since I have participated in Five Question Friday with Mama M. Not very cool of me. Afterall, I would hope that if I ever started a meme that people would play along. Hint hint at (maybe) something to come.
1. Do you sing karaoke? If so, what is your go to song?
I used to love karaoke. This was before my mommy hood days. When I could drink a six pack of beer for courage first. Not so much anymore. However...wanna see me shame myself with some vocal un stylings? Then go see this post.
2. What is your favorite coffee drink?
Actually, I do like a good flavored latte. Like caramel. Usually, though, I just drink flavored coffee at home with a little creamer.
3. If you could choose your own name, what would it be?
I actually find it impossible to come up with anything that just doesn't seem odd. Can't imagine anything other than Shannon.
4. Were you ever bullied?
In sixth grade...yes...by a BOY! The little bastard. That is, until one day I punched him and he cried...all the while complaining that I hurt his sunburn. Pft...yeah right weenie. Never bothered me again.
5. How often do you eat fast food?
Could I have a definition of fast food please? I never eat anything like McDonald's, etc. I do eat Chipoltle on occassion, and have been known to have the odd Subway. So if that counts, then maybe once every other week I guess.
How about you? Would love to see your answers. If you have done your own 5QF post, then let me know so I can come check it out. If not, what's wrong with you? Really, if you just don't want to, then how about some answers right here in the comments.