I'm hitchin' a ride on the Keely train again today. I know she has a new button, but I'm a rebel. I like the old one because it links back to her blog. So maybe I'm not a rebel so much as I am lazy and I just don't have the energy to cut/copy the new button and create a link too. You can play along by simply answering the following questions in a post of your own and linking it up to Keely's blog. Go ahead...give it a try.
1. What's your favorite Easter candy?
Toss up between the two most disgustingly awesome candies ever. Cadburry Creme Eggs, or Marshmallow Peeps. I'd have to go with the Creme Egg. I could go for one right now.
2. Who do you think is cleaner..men or women?
This is a loaded question. Honestly I think it depends on the person. I have seen absolute slobs from both categories. I think my husband and I are equally matched in the clean department.
3. Which do you prefer..wordy blog posts or ones with pictures?
My answer is not a definite one or the other. In general, I like the posts that are not ultra long, however...when it is well written and keeps my attention, then I like it. Pictures are always great, whether the post is long or short.
4. Were you popular in highschool?
I was in this strange sort of limbo land. I had friends from the "cool crowd," and ones from the "not so cool crowd." I honestly felt like I could relate to the uncool kids better than my other friends. Not sure what that makes me. After all this time, still trying to figure out where I belong :)
5. What's your bra size?
All I'm going to say to this, is that after nursing my two little ones for over a year each...my breasts could now be featured on the front cover of National Geographic. How's that for a mental image?
6. How many states have you lived in?
Four. California, Arizona, Massachusettes, back to Arizona, Colorado, and back to Arizona...in that order.
7. What's one blog you read every day?
I don't know that there is one blog that I read every day. There are several that I read each time they post, but it's not daily usually. I know this is all in an effort to get me to name drop. Just look at the blogs I have listed on the right side of my blog. I really love them all. They are the ones I frequent.
8. Peanut butter or Nutella?
It took me forever to try Nutella, and I do think it's tasty...but I have to go with good ol' peanut butter. Love it in my oatmeal.
So, any of you braver than I am with the whole bra question? Really, that's just one tid bit that I don't feel like shouting from the rooftops...or putting in a blog post ;) Regardless, you can answer any or all of the questions right here in the comments if you decide not to do a post of your own.