Well, it was bound to happen, I suppose. I have not dedicated much time at all in the past several months to posting on this blog. Is it any wonder with all the endeavors I seem to pile on?
Writing is certainly an outlet which I enjoy immensely, so I am not giving it up entirely. I am simply shifting focus.
I have dived head long into photography, and of my free time, it occupies about 90%. Part of this will be a blog centered around my journey in the photography world.
All are welcome to come and join me as I wander (sometimes aimlessly) down this path. You'll find my blog here.
For all of my family and friends (all like 3 of you!) who like to read about the every day happenings, I will still be updating on our life there as well. So please...be sure to bookmark the new site address!
For the rest of you I've "met" along the way, I certainly would like to hear from you on the new blog, but I won't have a "follow" widget, because frankly, Scarlett, I don't give a damn! :)
So, for the last time...signing off as