Super Noob + TIME

There's a Plane in My Room

My daughter has been in her toddler bed now for about a month or so. Really we have been fairly lucky. She stays in her bed when it's bedtime. But she is up much earlier than I would like. I think she has probably always woken early, but because she was in her crib, she would go back to sleep for a little bit. chance. Crack of dawn (I consider anything 6:30 or earlier the crack of dawn) and she is up and at 'em. Most mornings she comes in to our room and begins barking out her demands. Today I woke to "Pita chips, Mamma! My tummy feels hungry for pita chips." What?! Who the heck wakes up and says "yeah, I feel like I could eat some pita chips." My daughter, that's who.

So tonight, I put her to bed. Uneventful. Nothing out of the ordinary. I tuck her in, sing her the three required songs, kiss her good night then exit her room and quietly close the door behind me. Twenty minutes later, I hear her door open. Though at first I didn't know what it was, as this has never happened before. So I get up to investigate (insert horror movie music) and bump into her (not literally) in the the hallway. "I feel hot, Mamma. My head feels cold. I'm hot in my bed." So which is it? Is she hot or cold? I am confused because we went from 85 degree weather yesterday to 60 today. I go in and tuck her back in. All seems well again. Nope. Five minutes later, she comes out again. "There's a plane in my room, Mamma. My room is too noisy." Now this is getting ridiculous. I assure her there is no plane in her room, and that the only noise is that of her humidifier (which she has to have running for the white noise). I'm back in the living room not two minutes, and this time she comes out saying she has to pee. She did. Have to pee that is. I finally took her back to bed, explained that we have a playdate at the park tomorrow so she needs to rest well. She has not been out since. Trust me, that is a very good thing because if I hear about a plane in her room or that she is hot or cold one more time...I might lose the fragile grip I have had on my sanity today. For now...there is peace.

Addyson, morning, movie, room, and more:

There's a Plane in My Room + TIME