Time for Mama M's Five Question Friday. Granted it's a little late in the game...but still plenty of time to slip it in under the wire! To play along, simply copy the questions, paste them into a post, answer them, link to Mama M., and then go add your post to the link on her blog. Or, you could just answer any of the questions you'd like right here in the comments. That's perfectly acceptable too ;)
Today's questions are:
1. If you could bring one character to life from your favorite book, who would it be?
2. Where did you get your very first kiss?
3. How did you welcome in the New Year?
4. What is your favorite Beatles song?
5. Donuts: Overrated, underrated, or 'bout right?
My answers:
1. If you could bring one character to life from your favorite book, who would it be?
My first answer was Edward Cullen, then I read Keely's post and saw that she answered that...so I thought I should try to come up with someone else. Just can't do it. Edward is the ultimate in fictional fantasy, so Edward it is.
2. Where did you get your very first kiss?
I was 15, and staying in Evanston, IL. for the summer with my aunt, uncle and cousins. We went to the beach every day and there was the cutest lifeguard there. I hoped to catch a glimpse of him every time. Well, one day he walked over to where we were and introduced himself...Ari Stone. He was 17, and my aunt let me go out to a movie with him. When he was dropping me off after ice cream, he walked me to the door. I knew it was coming, and I was as tight as an overly wound guitar string. He kissed me, and all I could think about was how awful it was. Nothing redeeming about it whatsoever. Just plain gross.
3. How did you welcome in the New Year?
Played a few rounds of Sorry Sliders with Drew and my husband, then watched Pirates of the Carribean...Dead Man's Chest. That's it.
4. What is your favorite Beatles song?
I don't listen to the Beatles purposely. That doesn't mean I don't love them, it just means I only listen to them if they happen to be playing somewhere. There are a ton of songs by them that I really like, and someone else has already listed a couple...but I really like "And I Love Her" off of their A Hard Day's Night album.
5. Donuts: Overrated, underrated, or 'bout right?
I suppose it depends. I never eat donuts because I don't think there are really any worth eating anymore. In the past I may have said underrated, but not any more. I think Krispy Kreme are highly overrated. I don't like them at all. But Dunkin Donuts, like ten years ago...now that's a donut. I loved the vanilla cremes. Powdered sugar outside, inside over-filled with sweet sugary vanilla frosting. Yes, that is a donut.
What about you? I understand if you don't want to answer them all, but it is really fun to play along. As always, I still like reading your anwers in the comments too!