Many already realize that I am weird have some wonderful quirks. I am about to divulge another. When I was a baby I received a white and yellow blanket. As I grew I became very attached to it. The blanket (bidey as I called it) went everywhere I went. Everywhere. I sucked my thumb too. While sucking my thumb I would hold the blanket up to my nose so I could breath in the scent it had acquired after being dragged through who knows what. I am going to digress here to tell you all that Addyson does the same thing. She, however, sucks the first two fingers on her right hand. She started that around 12 weeks, and hasn't stopped. I'm not anxious to make her stop either. It's her comfort, and it doesn't bother me in the least. I find it amusing that she holds her blanket to her nose the way I did.
So...back to my blanket. In second grade my blanket was looking like it had seen better days (yes, I still had it in second grade...but it stayed home at least). The woman who babysat my brother and I after school was awesome at knitting blankets, and she had been working on one for a while. It was pink and brown. I asked her who it was for and she said her son, Brian. Pink and brown? Strange. She lied...turns out it was for me. I happily accepted the blanket, but wouldn't trade it for my yellow and white one. just fell apart. I was so sad, but slowly I got used to my new blanket. My pink and brown beauty.
Here's where it gets really interesting...I still have that blanket! I am quite proud to announce that it is in my lap as I type this, and I have it with my husband and me in bed every night. Yep. I'll be 34 next month, but I still have a blankey. I imagine you might be a little relieved to know that I don't suck my thumb. That I stopped well before second grade ;)
P.S. Cop Mama was my total and complete inspiration for this post. In fact, I was going to leave her a lengthy comment on this post, and decided to write my own instead. Thanks, Cop Mama!!