Mama M. is truly wonderful, and it has been quite some time since I have participated in her Five question Friday. So, even at the risk of running some off with my overdoingitness in the blog hop department, I am playng along today.
If you'd like to as well, you simply copy and past the questions into your own post, answer away, and link on up. Here goes...
1. Who would you want to play you in a movie of your life?
Sandra Bullock...pretty much hands down. Not based on looks, AT ALL. But just based on her personality. She is super quirky. I dig that about her. I'm pretty quirky myself (some say I'm just plain old weird, but I am not letting my illusion of cute quirkiness be shattered like that).
2. Did you ever go to summer camp?
Once. It was when I was 15. I was staying with my cousins in Chicago, and I went with them to a camp in North Carolina that was part of their church group. I had a great time, and still have find memories from that week.
3. What sends you running and screaming in the other direction?
Cockroaches. Nasty little critters. Now, I will catch and kill them, but it wigs me out...in a MAJOR way. I am always afraid the thing will escape my trap and touch me. Thank goodness we don't have an issue with them here or I would insist we move. To any place. Can't stand them!
4. What is something you do that drives your spouse nuts?
I actually posted about this a while back, and have a discussion here (come share after you're done reading, will ya?) about something similar. Without question it's my obsession with having the covers neat and straight before going to sleep. That's right, I don't make the bed when I get up, but before bed...I want perfection. It makes him batty, because if he's dared to get into bed before I've had a chance to straighten the sheets, I will just straighten around him. He gets mad every single time. You'd think he'd just get over it by now.
5. What is currently your favorite song?
Not that the song itself is current, but probably Need You Now by Lady Antebellum. Love it.