Last week, I was set to dig out some old photographs, but Julie gave us a reprieve since she slacked off was busy and didn't get her post up, and I was able to get Andy to take some pictures of me with the kiddos on Easter. Of course most of the pictures are of the usual variety whenever I am included. Lots of squirming, fussing and an overall poor disposition. The kids aren’t especially thrilled either.
Lovely…Just lovely. Oh, but wait…there’s more, much more!
I was interrupting his scouting for eggs. What was I thinking?
The closed eyes is not the worst part. Could the nostrils be any more flared?
Oh, Addyson…thanks for cooperating! Let’s just see if we can get you to smile.
Ummmm, Nope! Losing her. Quick…one more!
Too late. She’s done-zo. I am officially dubbing myself the outtake queen.
Rose at We live in a Zoo (by the way, she does these "and so and so says" things where she posts hilarious things her kids say...super cute) asked me if I was hiding behind my kiddos…and just to prove, that despite appearances, I am most certainly not…here is one of me all by myself. Proudly sporting the tummy I want gone!
Oh, and I didn’t get to participate in Keely’s Sunday hop, but one of her questions was “what color do you wear the most?” I didn’t know the answer until I looked at these pictures again. For me, the question should have been “what shirt do you wear the most?” Apparently this one! Same one I wore in my last pictures. Clearly it’s time to expand my summer wardrobe ;)
Now, head over to The Peanut Gallery…exit here to see some other Moms getting in front of the lens for a change.