Since lately it seems I don't have an original thought in my cluttered head, I figured I would jump in with Mama M. and Five Question Friday. It's really fun, and honestly, I don't know why I haven't done it in a while. Just in a lazy blogger mode I think. So, now to answer her questions for the week.
1. Do you collect anything?
I wouldn't consider myself a collecter in the true sense...but I do have a p.j. fetish. Seriously, I can't even go by the p.j. area in Target without feeling a magnetic pull toward them. The absurd thing is that I rarely wear the cute ones I get. Like I'm saving them. For what? What the heck on earth am I saving them for?
2. Name 3 celebrities that you find good looking.
Matthew Mcconaughey, Jake Gyllenhaal (weird one, but whatever), and I don't know on number three.
3. Do you have any scars? If so, what's the story behind it (them)?
I probably have more than I can count. One in particular is like an arrowhead right under my right breast. When I was 5 I was wearing a tank top and went running past our car. The door handle was broken and I got too close. The handle tore a gash into my flesh (maybe I'm being a bit dramatic), and hence the pretty scar that never went away.
4. What is a food that you like to eat, but others might think it's gross or weird?
There are SO many of these for me. One is peanut butter and crackers with mustard. Don't even knock it. If you like all those things separately, you too may like them together. Or not.
Another is escargo. Oh so GOOD!
5. Have you ever seen a tornado in real life?
Everyday. It's name is My Children.