You know you're a mom when your husband is out of town, you have an active imagination, and the boogey man starts making his presence known in your head. So when the three year old comes in at midnight, you gladly welcome her into your bed even though you have vowed to never allow that.
You know you're a mom when you look at a picture of someone else's kids and immediately (though the picture is cute), you can only think of the dangerous situation depicted there. *** I have to say that Amy is a wonderful mother, and didn't allow the lamp near the tub to continue.****
You know you're a mom when any word can end in "y." "Yes, honey, that is a buggy." "You're right, that is a stinky poopy." "Oh come on! Go get a tissue for that boogey!!"
What is reminding you of why you're a mom today? Please share. Come on over and link it up!
By the way...the first 18 comments don't go with this post, because I was lazy. I opened an old post, and just deleted and wrote a new one so I wouldn't have to paste more buttons! So they are from an old post. Please excuse my slovenly ways.