I have been sitting here staring at this blank screen for fifteen minutes. That may not seem like all that long, but when every minute of alone time is more precious than a whole tub of my most favorite frozen yogurt (which I could really go for right about now), fifteen minutes is an eternity.
On a day like today, one would think I would have plenty to write about. Plenty that would fit the “you know you’re a mom…” mold. On a day when I wake to an empty dog crate next to my bed, only to find the dog had been let out by my stealthy three year old. Oh, and that she had taken it upon herself to feed him. She must have thought he was incredibly hungry. The 10 cups of sodden dog food I found in his dish was evidence that she was wrong. I am sure he was only able to get 2 or 3 cups down…tops…before deciding he had had enough. Mind you, his usual ration is 1 cup.
On a day when this very same dog, who has been doing so well with potty training, takes a huge, you overfed me dump, on my living room carpet. Right in front of me. I’d like to say that I handled it in a calm and collected manner, alas that is just not the case. I muttered some expletives that I care not to repeat, and I put the puppy outside even though he had clearly already taken care of business.
On a day when my husband is out of town, and rather than be a help, the eleven year old sees it fit to try to send me over the edge. Nearly succeeded. Nearly.
On a day like today, when you realize that it’s days like these that let you know you’re alive. When you think “this is my life, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.” Of course, I might have edited out the dog poop.
So…you know you’re a mom, when a crazy day is just a day in the life…of being a mom.