Super Noob:
You Know You're a Mom When-sDAZE

  • You Know You’re a Mom When-sDAZE…Picture Style

    You Know You’re a Mom When-sDAZE…Picture Style

    "You Know You’re a Mom When-sDAZE" is a great way for us, as parents, to make light of our trials and tribulations. Our day to day run-ins with the crazy little people in our lives we call children. The very people we simply couldn’t live without. So with this, the possibilities of this are really endless...the creativity is all yours. In order to play along, all you have to do is either post a picture of something crazy, wonderful, endearing, or just plain cute, that your kids have done...explaining how it made you feel or the story behind it. Or, write a little post in the “You know you’re a mom when…” fashion. Grab my brand new button (if you fancy). Then come back over and link up. Thanks to all who linked up last time…can’t wait to see your post today!
    You know you’re a mom when…everyone in the house is sitting down enjoying their breakfast, as you wildly try to accommodate and appease the yappers in order to keep the gnashing of the teeth to a minimum, causing your own food to turn out like this…

    April 17 2010 009

    Yes…you can still see the smoke coming off of them in the picture. Bon appétit!
    So whatever you’ve got…picture or otherwise…please link up!

  • You Know You're a Mom When-sDAZE...Talkin' Poop

    You Know You're a Mom When-sDAZE...Talkin' Poop

    As parents, we constantly find ourselves saying things that we just can't quite believe came out of our mouths, or misting up over a few scribbles on a page, or finding ourselves in situations that could only be the result of having offspring. So today I present "You know you're a mom (or dad) When-sDAZE." The possibilities of this are really endless...the creativity is all yours. That is part of what I think will be so fun with this...the posts will all still be unique. In order to play along, all you have to do is either post a picture of something crazy, wonderful, endearing, or just plain cute, that your kids have done...explaining how it made you feel or the story behind it. Or, write a little post fashioned after "You might be a redneck if...," but of course it is "You know you're a mom when..." Grab my current button (if you fancy), and next time I hope to have one specifically for this little blog hop. Then come back over and link up. Can't wait to see your posts!!

    This week, I'm talkin' poop. Here goes...

    You know you're a mom when someone shouting from the other end of the house "I went poop!!!!!!!!!" is not only a common occurrence, but requires some action on your part.

    You know you're a mom when it's perfectly normal to hear "look, the green poop matches my undies."

    You know you're a mom when you can say with a straight face...every day "yes honey, that is a big poop."

    You know you're a mom when the idea of "pooping in peace" is one that you feel will never apply to you again.

    Lastly, you know you're a mom when your efforts to stay on schedule can be immediately thwarted by the sound of a mini explosion coming from the wee one's shorts.

    Now, how about you? Whatever you've got I'd love to read/see it. You can comment here, or post your own and come back and link up!!

  • You Know You're a Mom When-sDAZE

    You Know You're a Mom When-sDAZE

    "You Know You’re a Mom When-sDAZE" is a great way for us, as parents, to make light of our trials and tribulations. Our day to day run-ins with the crazy little people in our lives we call children. The very people we simply couldn’t live without. Just share what has you knowing you're a mom (or dad) today, and then come link up. It can be anything...a picture, story, or a bunch of "you know you're a mom whens..."

    You know you’re a mom when…

    …you can take five stacks of folded laundry to their respective rooms without dropping a single article of clothing.

    …you call yourself a genius because in an attempt to get a little more protein into the little people, you mix plain Greek yogurt into their mac n’ cheese and they are none the wiser.

    …you consider yourself an accomplished cook, yet consistently manage to burn the food you make for yourself.

    Come on over and share what has you knowing you're a mom today!

  • You Know You’re a Mom When-sDAZE

    You Know You’re a Mom When-sDAZE

    You know you're a mom when your husband is out of town, you have an active imagination, and the boogey man starts making his presence known in your head. So when the three year old comes in at midnight, you gladly welcome her into your bed even though you have vowed to never allow that.

    You know you're a mom when you look at a picture of someone else's kids and immediately (though the picture is cute), you can only think of the dangerous situation depicted there. *** I have to say that Amy is a wonderful mother, and didn't allow the lamp near the tub to continue.****
    You know you're a mom when any word can end in "y." "Yes, honey, that is a buggy." "You're right, that is a stinky poopy." "Oh come on! Go get a tissue for that boogey!!"

    What is reminding you of why you're a mom today? Please share. Come on over and link it up!

    By the way...the first 18 comments don't go with this post, because I was lazy. I opened an old post, and just deleted and wrote a new one so I wouldn't have to paste more buttons! So they are from an old post. Please excuse my slovenly ways.

  • You Know You’re a Mom…

    You Know You’re a Mom…

    "You Know You’re a Mom When-sDAZE" is a great way for us, as parents, to make light of our trials and tribulations. Our day to day run-ins with the crazy little people in our lives we call children. The very people we simply couldn’t live without. Just share what has you knowing you're a mom (or dad) today, and then come link up. It can be anything...a picture, story, or a bunch of "you know you're a mom whens..."

    You know you’re a mom when, even though you are well hydrated, you gulp down two thirds of a huge glass of water because you are about to hand it over to the toddler who wants a sip.

    You know you’re a mom when you can discern a “mad cry” from a “tired cry” and a “fake cry” from a “hurt cry.”

    You know you’re a mom when you recognize that the hurt cry has different levels…and which level requires immediate action on your part, and which level you blow off a little. You know, just so they don’t come running to mamma with every little knick, scrape and bump.

    You know you’re a mom if you have ever been embarrassed in public by a person not yet three feet tall. For instance “Mom, does that lady have a baby in her tummy?” As she points to a rather large (and totally un-pregnant) woman. Or “I FARTED!!!” Said at the loudest decibel possible, and with gusto I might add.

    Can’t wait to see what has you all knowing you’re a mom today. Come link ‘em up!

  • You Know You’re a Mom When-sDAZE

    You Know You’re a Mom When-sDAZE

    You know you’re a mom when the sight of this…

    Colton Marker

    Can cause you to go from sheer terror…to relief…to anger all in the matter of a few seconds.

    Moms…hide your markers. Especially the red ones. Or run the risk of thinking your child has gashed his face.

  • You Know You’re a Mom When-sDAZE Travel Style

    You Know You’re a Mom When-sDAZE Travel Style

    Wednesday around here means time for all of us to share those moments (big and small), that are unique to motherhood. You can share with pictures or words…totally up to you. Just share!

    You know you’re a mom when…on an airplane the sound of a child screaming is more like white noise than a grating irritation.

    You know you’re a mom when…on an airplane, the sound of that same child screaming makes you smile inside that it isn’t your child.

    You know you’re a mom when…you ditch your purse in favor of the diaper bag as your carry on.

    You know you’re a mom when…your three year old pees her pants in her sleep on the plane, and being ill-prepared, you make due by putting a diaper on her and calling it good. What!?! You’ve never done that? Yeah, er, I haven’t either. I mean, that would be ridiculous to just let my child walk through the airport in a shirt and a diaper!

    Come on and link up now, I’d love to read your posts too :)

  • Hi Ho, Hi Ho, Off to the Lake We Go

    Lake Powell that is. My family has been doing an annual lake trip there since well before I was born. So we are headed out tomorrow. I have a few posts scheduled (like Mom N' Me Monday for example), and a wonderful woman has agreed to do my Tuesday post for me! Many of you know and love her already...but please be sure to stop by and say hello to her.

    You Know You're a Mom When-sDAZE is all scheduled to post eventhough I won't be here. I will be sure to come check out all who link up once I return. So, please...come join in! So many of you write the most hilarious things ;)

    On a side note...I plan to be better versed in Photoshop when I return. I bought a book yesterday, and already I am impressed with it! We'll see. If there are any wonderful tips that are easy enough for me to share, I will. I'm sure some of them will translate to Elements as well.

    Have a great week!

  • The Inconvenience Store House -You Know You're a Mom...

    The Inconvenience Store House -You Know You're a Mom...

    Time again for You Know You're a Mom When-sDAZE. It's a fun way to share anything and everything about being a mom. The funny moments, the not so funny moments. The insane, the cute, the melt your hearts. All of it. You can post with pictures or just stories...or even quippy little one liners like "you know you're a mom when you've forgotten what your flooring looks like due to the absurd number of toys constantly cover it up." I'd love to see you link up this week. So come on...join us, won't you?

    Lately more and more items have been placed to the highest points possible in our home. No matter what efforts we take, however, it seems my little 3 year old angel manages to foil them.

    Child proof Tylenol? Pft. Maybe...but not Addyson proof. Dental floss in the medicine cabinet? Not anymore. Oh, and that one isn’t because I have moved it…nope…that one is because the sweet cherub unraveled the whole stinkin’ thing all over my bathroom counter.

    But my favorite? Her inventive way of putting maxi pads to use. Ingenious if you ask me.

    So…you know you’re a mom when…in an effort to avoid this…

    Addyson potty
    Toilet cover
    Door decorations
    The master at work
    The aftermath

    You turn your house into something like this…


    Your turn. What is reminding you today that you are indeed a mom? If you’ve done your post…come on back and link it up. If not, you can always share right here.

  • Did You Do Your "You Know You're a Mom When-sDAZE?" Come Link it Now

    Did you get your Wednesday post all ready for "You know you're a mom when...only to discover that Mamma had dropped the ball? Thank goodness it was just a rubber one!

    I have been traveling, and while I had some internet time, my access was sketchy at best, and my time was limited. So, I am so so sorry for anyone who had it all done and came to found I let you down. If you'd like...and I hope you can link it up here. I promise to read them all and come to visit you shortly.

    Good thing I don't blog for a living!

  • You Know You’re a Mom When –sDAZE

    You Know You’re a Mom When –sDAZE

    "You Know You’re a Mom When-sDAZE" is a great way for us, as parents, to make light of our trials and tribulations. Our day to day run-ins with the crazy little people in our lives we call children. The very people we simply couldn’t live without. So with this, the possibilities of this are really endless...the creativity is all yours. In order to play along, all you have to do is either post a picture of something crazy, wonderful, endearing, or just plain cute, that your kids have done...explaining how it made you feel or the story behind it. Or, write a little post in the “You know you’re a mom when…” fashion. Grab my brand new button (if you fancy). Then come back and link up.

    You know you’re a mom when the sight of this…


    touches you in a way that wouldn’t be possible if you weren’t.

  • You Know You’re a Mom When-sDAZE

    You Know You’re a Mom When-sDAZE

    "You Know You’re a Mom When-sDAZE" is a great way for us, as parents, to make light of our trials and tribulations. Our day to day run-ins with the crazy little people in our lives we call children. The very people we simply couldn’t live without. So with this, the possibilities of this are really endless...the creativity is all yours. In order to play along, all you have to do is either post a picture of something crazy, wonderful, endearing, or just plain cute, that your kids have done...explaining how it made you feel or the story behind it. Or, write a little post in the “You know you’re a mom when…” fashion. Grab my brand new button (if you fancy). Then come back over and link up.

    You know you’re a mom when you think to look in the toy basket for one of your missing shoes…and you find it.

    You know you’re a mom when, in a pinch, a cookie seems like a perfectly acceptable snack to feed the little ones…right before lunch.

    You know you’re a mom when bedtime at 7:00 for the kids really means bedtime is at 7:30 or 8:00 by the time the “I’m thirsties, and I have to go potties, and there’s a noise in my rooms” are all said and done.

    You know you’re a mom when you unsuspectingly take a gulp of your water only to find that floating particles seem to have mysteriously appeared, and you don’t even feel that grossed out by it.

    Now let’s have it! What little things make you feel like “this only happens to a mother (or father)?” Whatever you’ve got, post it and link up. I’d love to read what you have to say.

  • You Know You’re a Mom When-sDAZE

    You Know You’re a Mom When-sDAZE

    As parents, we constantly find ourselves saying things that we just can't quite believe came out of our mouths, or misting up over a few scribbles on a page, or finding ourselves in situations that could only be the result of having offspring. So it was for all those reasons I started "You know you're a mom (or dad) When-sDAZE." The possibilities of this are really endless...the creativity is all yours. That is part of what I think will be so fun with this...the posts will all still be unique. In order to play along, all you have to do is either post a picture of something crazy, wonderful, endearing, or just plain cute, that your kids have done...explaining how it made you feel or the story behind it. Or, write a little post fashioned after "You might be a redneck if...," but of course it is "You know you're a mom when..." Grab my button (if you fancy). Then come back over and link up. Can't wait to see your posts!!
    I have mentioned before that I am striving to get my pre-baby body back. It has been a struggle…and by struggle, I mean I am about ready to chuck my scale into the dumpster. I have been stuck…like really stuck…at a good ten to twelve pounds above my pre-baby weight. So…
    You know you’re a mom when…


    This body, the body that never seemed good enough or thin enough before kids, is now the ideal body. The “what on earth was I thinking?” body. The what I wouldn’t give to just look like that body. Yep…that’s when you know you’re a mom.

  • You Know You’re a Mom When-sDAZE

    You Know You’re a Mom When-sDAZE

    "You Know You’re a Mom When-sDAZE" is a great way for us, as parents, to make light of our trials and tribulations. Our day to day run-ins with the crazy little people in our lives we call children. The very people we simply couldn’t live without. So with this, the possibilities of this are really endless...the creativity is all yours. In order to play along, all you have to do is either post a picture of something crazy, wonderful, endearing, or just plain cute, that your kids have done...explaining how it made you feel or the story behind it. Or, write a little post in the “You know you’re a mom when…” fashion. Grab my brand new button (if you fancy). Then come back over and link up.

    You know you’re a mom when you seem to be the only one who can see this laying in the middle of the floor…the very floor that everyone has to walk over in order to get from the kitchen to the hall.


    You know you’re a mom, when after one meal…your floor looks like this…

    Floor under Colton's chair

    Finally, you know you’re a mom when you go to grab your baker’s chocolate from the pantry only to find two curious little teeth marks gnawed into the end of it.

    Baker's chocolate

    Ah yes. The many joys of motherhood! Please share some of yours!!

  • Introducing...

    A new meme of sorts. I have been putting this off forever, because there are so many out there. But I want to do this one. It may evolve and morph over time...we'll see. For starters though I want to introduce to you:

    "You Know You're a Mom When-sDAZE." First off, I have to credit my friend Julie with the title. That creativeness for the name was all her idea. So thank you, my dear Julie. See how that works? You like use give credit (sorry, I couldn't resist).

    Back to the meme. Here's the deal, it essentially can be whatever you make it! The main idea is that you can either post a picture or write something. If you post a picture, my idea is that it is a picture of something crazy, messy, endearing, etc. that your kids have done. Again, the creative license is all yours. If you decide to write something, it should be fashioned after "You might be a redneck if..." Instead, it's "You know you're a mom when..." Got it? Now, I know there are a few Dads that read too. Simply change the title to say "dad in place of mom."

    The first one will be Wednesday the 14th. I will have the linky up so you can all come and play along. Also, I should have a new button for the debut, and would be thrilled if you use it in your post...but you do not have to at all. Please come play. Don't leave me stranded. That would bring back horrific memories of adolescence in which, try as I might, I just can't quite be part of the cool crowd ;)

    There you have it. Mamma's new meme. I look forward to reading/seeing what you all share!!

  • You Know You’re a Mom When-sDAZE

    "You Know You’re a Mom When-sDAZE" is a great way for us, as parents, to make light of our trials and tribulations. Our day to day run-ins with the crazy little people in our lives we call children. The very people we simply couldn’t live without. Just share what has you knowing you're a mom (or dad) today, and then come link up. It can be anything...a picture, story, or a bunch of "you know you're a mom whens..."

    You know you’re a mom when you strip the toddler down before letting her loose at the paints.

    You know you’re a mom when, even though you want to correct the way she is painting, you don’t.

    You know you’re a mom when you can look at your child and see the future of possibilities before her…Picasso?

    Please come on over and share what keeps you from forgetting you’re a mom today!

  • You Know You're a Mom When-sDAZE Has Moved

    Yep! This meme is packing up and moving out. Natalie of Mommy of a Monster (I mean toddler) and Infant Twins is going to host it from now on. She loves the meme so much that I immediately thought of her when I decided that I had had enough of running it. I will still participate when the mood strikes, but from now on, please head over to her blog to link up with your posts.

    As far as I know, nothing else will change and I know she will be a most gracious and excellent host! Now hurry over to link your post up with her.

  • On a Day Like Today...You Know You're a Mom When-sDAZE

    On a Day Like Today...You Know You're a Mom When-sDAZE

    I have been sitting here staring at this blank screen for fifteen minutes. That may not seem like all that long, but when every minute of alone time is more precious than a whole tub of my most favorite frozen yogurt (which I could really go for right about now), fifteen minutes is an eternity.

    On a day like today, one would think I would have plenty to write about. Plenty that would fit the “you know you’re a mom…” mold. On a day when I wake to an empty dog crate next to my bed, only to find the dog had been let out by my stealthy three year old. Oh, and that she had taken it upon herself to feed him. She must have thought he was incredibly hungry. The 10 cups of sodden dog food I found in his dish was evidence that she was wrong. I am sure he was only able to get 2 or 3 cups down…tops…before deciding he had had enough. Mind you, his usual ration is 1 cup.

    On a day when this very same dog, who has been doing so well with potty training, takes a huge, you overfed me dump, on my living room carpet. Right in front of me. I’d like to say that I handled it in a calm and collected manner, alas that is just not the case. I muttered some expletives that I care not to repeat, and I put the puppy outside even though he had clearly already taken care of business.

    On a day when my husband is out of town, and rather than be a help, the eleven year old sees it fit to try to send me over the edge. Nearly succeeded. Nearly.

    On a day like today, when you realize that it’s days like these that let you know you’re alive. When you think “this is my life, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.” Of course, I might have edited out the dog poop.

    So…you know you’re a mom, when a crazy day is just a day in the life…of being a mom.

  • You Know You're a Mom When-sDAZE

    You Know You're a Mom When-sDAZE

    First, I can't believe it's Wednesday already. I suppose that's one way you know you're a mom.

    For those of you who don't know the drill you can read here for the details.

    You know you're a mom when adding a puppy to the family seems like a really good idea. Not because you really want the dog, but because you think it will be good for the kids.

    You know you're a mom when you are the one to feed the dog, give the dog his water, teach him to potty outside, and then clean up said potty. As if you needed another butt to wipe (metaphorically speaking).

    You know you're a mom when you can look at this scene and feel like it's all totally worth it!

    Yep...that's when you know you're a mom!

  • You Know You’re a Mom When-sDAZE...Clean Floor?

    You Know You’re a Mom When-sDAZE...Clean Floor?

    Time to come on over and share with us all what it is that has you relishing in motherhood today. Whether it be an endearing story about your child’s first day of school, a picture of just about anything, or a list of “you know you’re a mom whens…” this is for you.

    You know you’re a mom when your floor goes from this…

    clean floor

    to this…

    Dirty floor

    …faster than you can say “if you make a mess on my clean floor, you’ll be licking it up with your tongue!”