Having started my blog in October of this year, I never thought it would be such an awesome outlet for me. Never would I have counted on *meeting* some seriously fun and friendly people. So when people name me to receive these little awards of recognition, I'm thrilled. They are so much fun. Here are a couple I have gotten recently.
Jenna at The Neuff, Shandal at My Life in 3D Tyler at Just Another Day in Our Paradise all gave me this Happy 101 award. Thank you all for thinking of me! This one says you must list ten things that make you happy, and then pass it on to ten others.
Ten things that make me happy:
1. Sweet lovin from my babies
2. An earnest compliment from my husband
3. My family
4. A good book
5. Being cozied up in p.j's on the couch when it's raining outside
6. Cooking...and eating!
7. Jeans that fit just right
8. Working out
9. Taking a great picture
10. The smell of the desert after the rain
I am going to pass this on to Elizabeth at Our Journey through Life, the Molly at The Snyder 5, Tammy at My Thoughts in Color, Becky at In the Trenches, Elizabeth at Confessions of a Working Mom, Megan at All a Bunch of Momsense, Rudy Family Rukus, Liz at Harmony Song, Keely at MannLand5, and finally last but in no way least, Melis at The Zookeeper's Diary.
The next one I got is A Sweet Award from Mindi at part of me. Mindi's blog is a lot of fun, and filled with some awesome crafts you can do together with kids. Thank you Mindi for choosing me. With this award, you must thank the giver, link to their blog, list five things about yourself and then pass it on to five more people.
Hmmm...5 things about me:
1. I can waterski slalom
2. I love to camp, fish and shoot a gun
3. My first kiss was with a boy named Ari...he was 17 and I was 15
4. When I workout, I don't just do cardio...I lift weights. I can bench press three sets of fifteen at 135lbs (but I am so not a behemoth...just strong).
5. I drive an Expedition...and it is such a mom car. By mom car, I mean loaded with crumbs, toys, books, strollers...you get the idea.
So now to pass this one on as well. Humph. All this linking is making me need a glass of wine! Here goes: Nancy at If Evolution Really Works, Heidi at From 3 to 5, Drea at Peanut Butter Jelly Days, Amy at The Adventures of JAMC, and Amy at Mommy of the Year.
To all of you whom I forwarded these, either enjoy reading your blog, love that you are such an active commenter to mine, or both! Thank you.