I was all prepared to not do a Not Me Monday post. I feel like it's getting a little tired. So I spent the morning cleaning my kitchen floor and the inside of my bathroom cupboards. Not to mention the usual, making meals, picking up the same sippy cup a million times (well, at least 6 times), and refereeing the offspring.
Then I sat on my couch looked around my living room and said "This is not my house. Right? Someone tell me when the place will resemble a liveable space again." So here I am. Posting Not Me Monday. Go to MckMama's blog to see some more.
In order to do this post, I didn't send my children out back to play with some very flimsy rules about not shoving, and not throwing rocks.
I'm not still in my pajamas, hair a mess, and without a trace of deodorant. Pft...deodorant...who needs it?
I am not sitting here wondering what the heck we are going to have for dinner tonight, because I am always prepared ahead of time with something taken out of the freezer. Nope, I'm not sitting here complacent with nary a plan in sight.
Finally, I received the sunshine award from three people (I will post it later), and I did NOT misplace one of the names of the people who forwarded it to me. So when I do the post, and your name is not mentioned, please let me know, and I do NOT give you permission to beat me about the head with a big stick.
What have you not been doing lately?