"You Know You’re a Mom When-sDAZE" is a great way for us, as parents, to make light of our trials and tribulations. Our day to day run-ins with the crazy little people in our lives we call children. The very people we simply couldn’t live without. So with this, the possibilities of this are really endless...the creativity is all yours. In order to play along, all you have to do is either post a picture of something crazy, wonderful, endearing, or just plain cute, that your kids have done...explaining how it made you feel or the story behind it. Or, write a little post in the “You know you’re a mom when…” fashion. Grab my brand new button (if you fancy). Then come back over and link up. Thanks to all who linked up last time…can’t wait to see your post today! You know you’re a mom when…everyone in the house is sitting down enjoying their breakfast, as you wildly try to accommodate and appease the yappers in order to keep the gnashing of the teeth to a minimum, causing your own food to turn out like this…
Yes…you can still see the smoke coming off of them in the picture. Bon appétit! So whatever you’ve got…picture or otherwise…please link up!
The first week of June we took our annual Lake Powell trip. My family has been going there since long before I was born…so it’s a bit of a tradition. As a kid, one of my favorite things about going was that every year we would have some crazy stories to tell. Nothing crazy happened this year, and the adult in me is thankful.
Here are just a few of the pictures from our trip.
These two were taken from the house boat as we motored up the lake.
First day on the house boat, and my graceful daughter already has a battle wound. Face meets storage bin.
Have I mentioned that Colton is a lover. Proof positive right here. Smooching a waterdog.
The water was cool, but refreshing. Usually it’s way too cold when we go to really enjoy any type of swim.
My brother always has the best ideas. Lawn chair in the lake. Beer in the hand. Who needs anything else?
These last few are pictures from inside our little cove.
Warning: Blog operator's brain on fritz...so don't expect much. This post is a bunch of odds and ends, hence the title.
First and foremost, I am excited to share the fact that I do have a few after pictures to share. Remember this post where I bared my deepest and dirtiest? If you didn't read it, you may want to now. Guaranteed to make you feel better about yourself in five seconds flat however long it takes you to read the post (but read this one first, because it has some cool stuff). So here are the pictures.
My bedroom floor after and before. Big exhale.
Nightstand after and before. Better light in the after!
Here's one that wasn't in the last post because I had already shown so much, that I thought enough was enough. Anyway, this was/is one of my dressers. My room now is one place that no longer causes me extra tension.
Moving on...in doing my cleaning, I came across some books that I have either, never used or used gently. I no longer have a need for them, and would like to know if any of you are interested in any or all of them. If so, please leave me a comment of which book you'd like. I will let them go on a first come, first served basis. ***This is not a giveaway*** Just wanted to see if anyone here wants them before I take them to the used book store. All I ask of those that are interested is that you kindly pay for shipping, you may have the book(s) for free. They are:
The Everything Pregnancy Book, and Dr. Sears Fussy Baby Book.
This one is Kids Create. Its arts and crafts for 3-9 year olds. We have never used it, and sadly I am just not that crafty. But there looks to be some fun things for kiddos to make with moms and dads.
Last thing I have is a wedding scrapbook. Never used at all. I had already started a different one when I received this as a gift.
Okay, there is one more thing I want to show you all. I mentioned a while back that one of my favorite gifts for Christmas was a fantastic necklace from Lisa Leonard. It is really awesome. It has all three of my kiddos names on it, it's silver (and I'm a silver kinda gal), and it goes with cute dresses or jeans! So awesome.
I may or may not be hosting a giveaway really soon. It may or may not have to do with Lisa Leonard! So stay tuned.
As parents, we constantly find ourselves saying things that we just can't quite believe came out of our mouths, or misting up over a few scribbles on a page, or finding ourselves in situations that could only be the result of having offspring. So today I present "You know you're a mom (or dad) When-sDAZE." The possibilities of this are really endless...the creativity is all yours. That is part of what I think will be so fun with this...the posts will all still be unique. In order to play along, all you have to do is either post a picture of something crazy, wonderful, endearing, or just plain cute, that your kids have done...explaining how it made you feel or the story behind it. Or, write a little post fashioned after "You might be a redneck if...," but of course it is "You know you're a mom when..." Grab my current button (if you fancy), and next time I hope to have one specifically for this little blog hop. Then come back over and link up. Can't wait to see your posts!!
This week, I'm talkin' poop. Here goes...
You know you're a mom when someone shouting from the other end of the house "I went poop!!!!!!!!!" is not only a common occurrence, but requires some action on your part.
You know you're a mom when it's perfectly normal to hear "look, the green poop matches my undies."
You know you're a mom when you can say with a straight face...every day "yes honey, that is a big poop."
You know you're a mom when the idea of "pooping in peace" is one that you feel will never apply to you again.
Lastly, you know you're a mom when your efforts to stay on schedule can be immediately thwarted by the sound of a mini explosion coming from the wee one's shorts.
Now, how about you? Whatever you've got I'd love to read/see it. You can comment here, or post your own and come back and link up!!
Contest Update: It's not too late to win a blog makeover... read about it here. Heidi from 3 to 5 has five points! Mindi of Part of Me has two points, and Elizabeth of Our Journey Through Life has two points. The contest ends January 1st. I can't wait for one of you lucky ones to be able to work with Jenna at Bloggy Blog Designz. Start getting your new blog look ideas together ;)
I wish I could say I am done with my Christmas shopping, alas it is not to be. I still have a couple last things to get, but I am super close. Fortunately I have wrapped as I have gone, so that part is not looming.
We did take our gifts to the family we adopted (through the Salvation Army) on Sunday. I hope they wait until Christmas to open them, and I hope they like what they received. Seeing the look on the eight year old's face made everything worth it. She looked so happy to be toting the gifts into to her house from my car. Before leaving, she gave me the biggest hug and it struck me that she is a complete stranger... that I will, more than likely, never see her again. But I touched her life. What a blessing for me.
Well, just in under the wire. It is still Saturday though, and I still want to post my snapshot, so here goes…
Anyone who knows me also knows that I pretty much live in these bad boys all summer long. In fact, I’d say I live in them eight or nine months out of the year. These puppies, do not however, get to experience sand on even an infrequent basis. I don’t mean desert sand like the kind we have in the wash behind our house. I mean like silky fine beach sand. So this was a moment worth documenting ;)
Oh, and if you’ve never treated your tootsies to a pair of Reefs…you’re missing out. Buy some now. Your feet will thank you if you are a flip flop lover. BUT…they have to be the “Sandy” (no pun intended) make. Yes indeed. Reefs are the only way to flip flop.
Tasty Tuesday is all about making your life easier, and well...tastier! This week I am bringing in reinforcements. The ever talented and oh so lovely Julie of the Peanut Gallery...exit here is sharing a recipe this week. What a pal, huh? Really though, she is a pal, and I just love her to pieces. Thanks, Julie! Without further nonsense (bet ya thought I'd say "ado")...
Well, after that intro, I feel like I must live up to the dear Mamma's expectations. I do have some talent...but it ain't so in the area of food preparation. But, if I may brag just a bit..I do have some pretty tasty recipes. When I say "some", I mean about 4!! Yep...that's about all your gonna squeeze out of the lady from the Peanut Gallery. I don't like to cook, and baking...well let's not even go there. While cookies are my favorite thing...mine always turn out like mini cakes, or worse. So if you ever want to become instant friends with me, just bake me some cookies! All this being said...don't run away just yet!
Today is your lucky day. This is the day when I share one of my "good" recipes. I use the term "my" loosely, because it is not really mine. My first grade teacher had a daughter who was my age. Here name was Paige. We were good buds back in the day. However, we lost touch over the years.
Enter Facebook!!
We were re-united last year. And unbeknownst to me...Paige has blossomed into an absolute guru in the kitchen. Her facebook updates often describe some mouthwatering delicacy that she is preparing, consuming, or sharing with friends. This is one of her soup recipes.
Yes, I am well aware that we are not in "soup season". However, if you live in the schizophrenic Northwest...then you very well could be having soup like weather. If not..then just tuck this baby away for a rainy day. You won't be sorry!! As an added bonus, because I'm concerned about your health, this is a very healthy soup. Not to mention the musicality of beans! ******************************************************* Paige's White Bean Chicken and Spinach Soup
2 slices of bacon, chopped
1 lb. Ground chicken OR Turkey Sausage (I wouldn't use the Turkey sausage if I were you!)
1 Teaspoon Fennel Seeds (only if you use the ground chicken...not needed if you use the turkey sausage because fennel is already in sausage. I prefer the ground chicken though)
1 Teaspoon Red Pepper Flakes (or to taste)
3+/- Garlic Cloves, grated on micro-plane (my preference) or diced
2 Cans White Beans with juice (Great Northern Beans or Cannellini Beans)
2 Quarts Chicken Stock
2 cups Spiral or Elbow Pasta (I use Barilla's multi-grain pasta...very good and good for you!)
Fresh Baby Spinach- About 4 handfuls of chopped
Brown bacon then add ground chicken with fennel seeds (or turkey sausage), garlic, and red pepper flakes. Add beans, undrained, and chicken stock. Simmer for as little 5 minutes or up to 45 minutes. Add pasta and spinach and simmer 8-10 minutes more. Make sure and remove from heat when pasta is done or noodles will get really mushy.
***Most important step: Serve with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil, Parmesan cheese, and crusty multi-grain bread. Good for the soul!!!
***I second Paige's thoughts on using ground chicken. I've tried it with ground chicken, ground turkey, turkey sausage, and just plain chicken breast. The ground chicken is BEST...hands down!
Here's a little trick if your kids don't like beans...mash up one can. Then it won't seem so "bean laden"! Works like a charm at our house. Our kids love this soup. Especially served in the fine china shown above.
See, I wasn't lying. She wouldn't have given a 2 thumbs up if she didn't absolutely LOVE this soup. Nope, even if I bribed her with a Twix bar. She's ALL about giving her honest opinion!
Time again for You Know You're a Mom When-sDAZE. It's a fun way to share anything and everything about being a mom. The funny moments, the not so funny moments. The insane, the cute, the melt your hearts. All of it. You can post with pictures or just stories...or even quippy little one liners like "you know you're a mom when you've forgotten what your flooring looks like due to the absurd number of toys constantly cover it up." I'd love to see you link up this week. So come on...join us, won't you?
Lately more and more items have been placed to the highest points possible in our home. No matter what efforts we take, however, it seems my little 3 year old angel manages to foil them.
Child proof Tylenol? Pft. Maybe...but not Addyson proof. Dental floss in the medicine cabinet? Not anymore. Oh, and that one isn’t because I have moved it…nope…that one is because the sweet cherub unraveled the whole stinkin’ thing all over my bathroom counter.
But my favorite? Her inventive way of putting maxi pads to use. Ingenious if you ask me.
So…you know you’re a mom when…in an effort to avoid this…
You turn your house into something like this…
Your turn. What is reminding you today that you are indeed a mom? If you’ve done your post…come on back and link it up. If not, you can always share right here.
I survived the party at our house today. It was pretty easy really. But now I am just wiped out! So I am going to get my Sunday post done and go to bed. Keely is awesome. Did you know that? She always sends me the questions early so I can play along since I have my class on Sunday. This week's questions are interesting to say the least. Here they are:
1 - Why did you start blogging? To save the world. Or just because I thought it would be a fun way to document memories and then be able to have them all printed into a keepsake book. I'd love to have something like that now if my mom had done it. Of course, she would never start a blog today (right, mom?).
2 - Who's the one blog friend that you would want to meet most in "real life"? I just get warm and fuzzy thinking about her. ;) All I'll say, is that she knows who she is!
3 - Why are you always concerned with losing that "extra 10 pounds" when chances are your husband/boyfriend/friends tell you that you look just fine the way you are? Because I don't believe him, and more importantly, because the extra 10 pounds are 10 pounds that weren't there before I got pregnant. I just want to have my whole wardrobe of clothes opened up to me again. Nothing too vain, just don't want to buy more clothes.
4 - What's the one thing you wish guys could understand about you? About me? Like me specifically? I actually think most men have understood me better than a lot of women. I have always gotten along really well with the male species.
5 - Tattoos. How many do you have and how many are visible when you wear your "everyday" clothes? A big fat zero. None. I've never wanted anything enough to have it permanently etched into my skin. Don't mind them on others...just not my thing.
6 - What was the best year of your life and why? This is impossible to answer. There are stand out events in many years, but no one year that is so great as to tower above the rest. Each and every year is one I can say has been full of both all things wonderful, and not so wonderful.
7 - Name three things you would do if you were a man for one day. I'm just gonna say it...have sex. Of course, this would mean that my husband and I have switched places since I am married (because there is no other way I would do this). But I do wonder why men seem to like it so much more (generally speaking) than women. Not that I don't...okay, I'm done talking about that. Can't think of anything else right now...but I think that's big enough to count for three.
8 - What's your alcoholic drink of choice that usually raises a few eyebrows? I don't drink anything that raises eyebrows. I like dark beer...people typically find that unusual. But I like a good glass of wine too. I'm afraid my days of "buffalo sweat" and "prarie fire" are long over.
So that's it. I'd be mighty happy to read what you have to say as well. You can link up with Keely, or you can leave me your answers right here. Happy Sunday!
I'm not exactly sure when it happened...but I've been trained. I'm so ashamed. Once upon a time I stood my ground. I made a statement, and I held to it. Was I only dreaming?
When Addyson came along, she began training me immediately. Boy, was I surprised. See, I was so sure that I would be training her. I even planned to have her eat and sleep on a schedule. She was going to be the best sleeping baby that ever graced God's green earth. I even read Babywise in preparation. Well, Addyson did not read her copy of the book, and she had other plans. For twelve weeks I held her for every nap. Well, I did, or Andy did (don't even get me started there, we were so at each other's throats). Holding her at naptime wouldn't have been so bad if she would have slept in a sling so I could multi task. Heck, I would have been happy if she would have let me hold her and just read a book. Again, she had her own ideas. My darling daughter had to be in her room, with the shudders closed, in my lap while rocking in the glider. If one of these criteria wasn't met, all hell (yes hell) broke out in the Mamma household. So you see, she has been working us from the start.
When she was 12 weeks, I was finally determined to teach her how to sooth herself at naptime. This bolgna started to seep into our nights (which to that point had been just fine, she'd nurse two or three times a night and go straight back down), so we sleep trained. It was the best thing I ever could have done...for her, for me... for my marriage ;) In three days time she would go down for a nap in her own crib with no soothing from me. Amazing.
Today, I was thinking about this as I lay next to her during rest time. It dawned on me that somewhere along the way, she worked me over. Did you notice the first sentence of this paragraph? That's right...as I lay next to her during rest time (insert record skip). It's the only way I can get her to nap now, and even that is failing lately. So I may throw in the towel. We may just give up once and for all on the old naptime for Addyson. That or I'll still be sleeping with her when I'm 80.
I know you all are just crushed that I am not posting a recipe today! Somehow, I am certain you'll survive ;)
It seems I have been toking on the crack pipe again (I hate it when I do that), and have agreed to host a party here this Saturday for my husband's sales team. Fortunately it's a BBQ type, so we will be using the grill which alleviates the need for me to use my culinary skills...sorta.
Seeing as how I am not the best house keeper in the West (remember this one?), I have a lot to do to ready myself for company. Sigh. Hours of cleaning just for mass destruction with the party...sorta. It's not like it's a bunch of animals coming over...though at times I might argue that they are ;)
In any case, as I was sitting on my duff last night, going through emails, and commenting on some of your blogs, I just couldn't muster the energy to get my act together. Not uncommon around these parts. Again, I feel confident that somehow none of you will go quietly insane without a recipe from yours truly.
I'm a mom from the middle of nowhere, South Dakota. Our little town has a population of just over 1,000 now - but when we first moved here, it was still working up from the 900s. Our big family of six didn't quite push the town over the top, but we came close. We moved out here from North Carolina when my youngest wasn't even one year old - now, that was a road trip - so my husband could be near his parents and help keep up the family farm. We also thought it would be a calmer, quieter place to raise a family than the big city of Raleigh.
Our kids had some trouble adjusting at first, but now they love living here and are always begging to visit their grandparents on the farm. Grandma always spoils their dinner with root beer floats and helps them make crafts out of coffee filters or her big jar of colorful buttons. Then there's Grandpa, who gets out the old train set and teaches my son all about golf while the sounds of putts and drives from the TV fill in the background. There are pet cats, cows, and sheep galore, and one friendly dog who greets the kids with slobbery kisses every time they arrive at the farm. It's a great place to grow up, and I'm so glad we decided to give them the opportunity to enjoy it.
Stress and the City
Of course, life isn't always paradise. I left my family back in North Carolina so we could raise our kids in the country, and there were times when I missed Raleigh and the people I had left behind. My mother's age and deteriorating health started to worry me, and sometimes I feel overcome with the desire to move back so I can take care of her. I have brothers in the area, but let's face it - when it comes to care-giving, boys aren't always the best nurses.
One day, I was sitting at home, feeling sorry for myself as I folded the laundry. Always fascinated by "grown-up" activities, my youngest daughter was "helping" me fold the endless heap of clothes that accumulates when you have six people living in one house. My husband came in from work and saw that I wasn't my usual self, so he asked how my day had been. I told him that it had been fine, and he gave me a quizzical look. After a few seconds, he asked what was bothering me if everything was fine. In a moment of overflowing frustration that had been building for weeks, I said, "If you can't figure out how to be sympathetic every once in a while, you'll just have to take me to the funny farm!"
I was about to burst into tears because I knew he didn't deserve my anger when I heard the excited voice of my daughter: "Mommy, mommy! Can I come, too?"
Of course, she didn't understand that I was referring to a mental institution, not her grandparents' farm. To her, "funny farm" was a logical name for the place she loved so much. I couldn't help it; I started laughing until tears rolled down my cheeks.
I was a tired mom at the end of the day, and my daughter had just provided the perfect punch line to help me see how petty I was being. Although her words brought laughter, they were also a profound reminder to me that my husband and I had moved to South Dakota for a very good reason. I believe that it's the best environment for raising my children, and I know my mother would want that every bit as much as we do. My family visits North Carolina once a year, usually at Christmas, and my mom is doing just fine. Every time I start to worry about her, I remember that I'm making the right decision for my whole family by living here and raising my children to love life on the farm.
Bio: Maria Rainier is a freelance writer and blog junkie. She is currently a resident blogger at First in Education where she writes about education, online degrees, and what it takes to succeed as a student getting an online associates degree remotely from home. In her spare time, she enjoys square-foot gardening, swimming, and avoiding her laptop.
Okay, you all asked, and my husband answered. One of the qualifiers to get him to do this was that I could in no way edit what he wrote. So this is all him, without any meddling from me. I didn't say, however, that I wouldn't add my two cents if I felt it warranted. Just saying...and if my two cents does show up anywhere, it will be in orange. Now, on to your questions and his answers.
Melis of The Zookeeper's Diary asked: If your wife could have any profession BESIDES being a SAHM, what would you want it to be? And why? And do you read her blog? What do you think of it?And finally, would you ever consider moving your family to where I live and buying the house next-door so we can all be IRL friends? Is that weird?
Any profession – A photographer seeing as she has an eye and a passion for it.
Do I read her Blog? – Are you all kidding?…hardly ever, but I don’t need to…I live it everyday.
What do I think of her blog? – I have always thought her to possess a true gift when it comes to that of the written form…On the occasion when I curl up with a cup of coffee and my computer to catch up on the latest prose of “Arizonamamma,” she confirms my thoughts.
Would I consider moving to be your neighbors and is that weird? – I know you are joking…
Keely from MannLand5 wanted to know: What made you fall in love with your wife? How did you 2 meet?Will you have more kids? :-) What do all do for fun as a family? What do you think your wife's best physical feature is? What do you do for a living?
What made me fall in love with your wife? – her independence, beauty, charm and her complete acceptance of me.
How did we meet? -We worked together on an outside sales team.
Will we have more kids? – I can’t answer this one on my own…AZMAMMA has a pretty big stake in this answer as well…however, if it were up to me I think that there will be no more children conceived.
What do we all do for fun as a family? – Every Saturday morning we get up just as the sun is about to rise in the East…saying East is silly…doesn’t it always rise in the East? Anyway, we ALL get up just before the sun rises…we bring plenty of water, lunch and our trimming shears…we hike 13 miles (AZMAMMA and I take turns pulling our two youngest children in the wagon, they certainly couldn’t make the trek on their own) to the llama farm and we sneak into their grazing area….On even days AZMAMMA lasso’s three of these creatures while I teach the children how to shave cool designs into their fur….on odd days, we switch places…The kids find this absolutely hysterical and the llamas, well they don’t seem to mind one bit either….On the way home we usually dig 2 random holes with a large baking spoon (I don’t find this particular activity “fun” at all, but the rest of the family does and sometimes we gotta do what we gotta do). (If you all think this is serious, then you haven't been reading my blog for very long...I would never let anyone use my baking spoon to dig holes).
What do I think my wife’s best physical feature is? – AZMAMMA was very blessed when it comes to her ‘4th point of contact,” her rear end. This, in my humble opinion, is her best physical feature….****This is where I must put my disclaimer, I am sure that ALL of you were hoping for some romantic answer like the beautiful sparkle in her eyes when she is truly happy, or the curls in her hair when she styles it my favorite way…maybe you even wanted me to answer with the color of her lips after she has had a glass of wine…but what can I say? I am an ass man and even after two children that shit ROCKS!!!!(Sorry, there should have been a disclaimer regarding the PG13 language...this is the only spot though).
What do I do for a living? – I work in a sales management job for ADP
Dondi at Confessions of a Housewife asked: Westpoint. Did you like it, was it worth it...I wanna know. West Point is one of those places that is wonderful to be from and not be at…but looking back, in a warped demented type of way, I did enjoy it. I certainly took it seriously and internalized the discipline. Was it worth it? Yes, I would not go back and do it any differently
Liz from Harmonysong wanted to know: Most favorite (material) gift you have ever given Mamma? I would have to say the amethyst heart and chain that I got for her on her 1st Mother’s Day. (I can't resist...I have to explain a little more why this one is so great. It has amethyst which is Addyson's birthstone, and a tiny bit of diamond, which is mine...it was the most perfect Mother's Day gift ever...very thoughtful).
Julie of The Peanut Gallery kindly asked: What is the weirdest thing that your lovely wife has done since you've known her? I can choose only one?…That hardly seems fair as many situations I find myself in with her are weird, not to mention all the stories I have heard of the weird antics of this person…and they are weird because she makes them so. I have struggled with this one and I thought, could it be the time that she clucked like a rooster as she was following behind a group of people? Could it be the time that she dissected a water dog while bored on a fishing trip? Could it be the time she shouted a reminder out of the car window as I trekked through the busy supermarket parking lot, “Don’t forget your hemorrhoid cream!”…No, these are all weird, but I gotta say one of her finest moments occurred on this blog. Her post about peeing while she laughs was a little uncomfortable for me. Many of you may disagree, but the whole time I was reading that rather strange post, I couldn’t help but be mortified. I mean I kept thinking to myself, “Why is she sharing this with the whole blog reading world? Hell, I didn’t even know that she was stricken with this rather strange condition!”….NOW THAT’S JUST WEIRD! (To save you the trouble you can read the post here...it's not as bad as he says...I never claimed to pee when I laugh).
Kate of Kate's Life wants to know: 1) What does your wife do or say that just makes you melt? 2) What do you love the most about her? 3) Do you have a nickname for her? 4) Is there a limit to how many questions I can ask?
What does AZMAMMA say that makes me melt? – You wanna (bow-chicka-bow-bow)…?(Kate, I never say bow chicka bow bow...not ever).
What do I love most about her? – The wonderful mother that she is…
Do I have a nickname for her? – No I do not.
Is there a limit to how many questions you can ask? – you just reached it…
Desert Rose asked: Seeing how AZ Mamma and I are fellow Arizonans...just what is it that she likes to do around these parts?
She likes to spend time with her family in Phoenix…she is extremely close to her family
His sister Melissa asked: Andy, if you were stranded on a island with one of your siblings, which one would you rather it be and why? Seeing as how this was asked by one of my siblings I can’t, in good conscience, answer this. A very fine gentlemen recently advised me to steer clear of offending any one of my siblings, because if you do it may permanently damage a relationship no matter how many “I’m sorry’s” you try to throw at said situation…
Drea of Peanut Butter Jelly Days asked: Honestly, what do you think of your wife blogging? do you think it has taken too much time from everyday things, or do you see it as a good outlet for her?
Honestly what do I think of my wife blogging? – She enjoys it…I say blog away
Do I think that it has taken too much time from everyday things or do I see it as a good outlet for her? Sometimes I feel it interferes with our time together…She never lets it interfere with the childrens' time…but when I ask her if I can get some of her time she obliges…As far as a good outlet for her – sure, I guess so.
Scott of This Daddy's Blog asked: Being a sports fan the best event I have ever been to was the Army-Navy game many years ago at the Meadowlands since you were part of that tradition, besides that what is the best sporting event you have ever attended? Back when I was 12 my Dad took me to a rodeo. I thought that the rodeo was pretty cool, but the idea that pops and I got to spend some time together – that was truly spectacular. He is one of two men that I truly idolize in life…(His dad really is a wonderful man, and though this may make it seem so, was not absent from Andy's life...he did travel a lot in the military, but Andy just treasures any and all time with his dad).
Heide of From 3 to 5 asked: Do you love Seinfeld as much as AZ Mamma? What is your favorite TV show?What is your favortie thing to do in your free time? Did you contribute to Addyson and Colton's name selection? Az Mamma is quirky about the sheets, what is your quirk? Do you leave the seat up? What is your favorite room in your house? Are you originally from AZ? If not what brought you there? If you are from there is there any where else you would like to live? Can the AZ Mamma come visit me?
Do I love Seinfeld as much as AZMAMMA? Does she even like that show? Hahahaha….I like that show, is it as much as her? Not sure :-)
AZ MAMMA is quirky about the sheets…Holy S**t she IS quirky about the sheets! I don’t have quite the breadth of quirks that she does.
Do I leave the seat up? Only on purpose.(No he doesn't...he's very good about it).
What is my favorite room in the house? Our eat-in kitchen…some of the most scrumptious things in the entire world are created in that space just awaiting my consumption…but more importantly, AZMAMMA and I both agree that sitting down as a family for dinner is extremely important. Over the last five years some of my most cherished memories are those that were shared and created while we have broken bread over dinner…
Am I originally from AZ? Nope, my Dad was a career Marine so I don’t have an original home…I ended up in AZ after my short stint in the Army came to a conclusion. I found my first corporate career in PHX.
Can the AZ MAMMA come and visit you? See one of my first answers – AZMAMMA is extremely independent and does not need to ask my permission. In fact, many may say that AZMAMMA wears the pants in the family, so you may be better off asking her this question.
Lula Lola asked: If time and money weren't a factor, how would you spend the next year? And, what's he think is the coolest thing about you?
If money were not a factor how would I spend the next year? I would want to travel to Australia, Ireland, Brazil, Hawaii and Iceland… I would also like to spend several weeks with our out of state family.
Coolest thing about her? She puts up with me.
Sheila of My Crazy Life asked: Why do men start projects and then never totally complete them? Is this a question for me? If it is, my answer would be that we get distracted by women…
Abby of Murdocks Mama wanted to know: What kind of vehicles do you own? What is your favorite household chore to do/help with? What is your favorite meal that your wife makes?
What kind of vehicles do we own? We own a Ford Expedition (Our second vehicle is one issued to him through work...it's a Mercury).
What is my favorite household chore to do/help with? While I do not consider this a chore, it is a task that needs to be done -- Giving our two young children a bath and getting them ready for bed, followed up by reading them 3 stories.(He does this every night! Every.single.night.)
My favorite meal? Salmon Scallopini or Stuffed Pork Tenderloin. (Irony of this is I don't make these that often, and neither has been a Tasty Tuesday feature...yet).
That's it! This is Mamma again, and I just want to give a huge thank you to my husband for being (mostly) a good sport about this. Can I let you all in on a little secret? I did mention this idea to him in a passive way, but I never actually got his consent before I drove forward with it. He was thrilled, let me tell you! He thinks I am bound and determined to have him start a blog. In any case, I think he did a great job. Thanks again, Andy for taking the better part of an evening to get these answered. I love you!
I'm an addict. Blogging is my drug of choice. Fortunately (or unfortunately depending on how you view it) for me, there are so many blogs to read. The problem is, in addition to being addicted to the blog world, I am also a mom. I don't have the time to invest in searching out blogs to read. I have meals to make, a house to ignore clean. Playdates to attend. The list goes on. I do, however, have some blogs I love to read... those which make me feel excited if they have a new post. Today, I thought I would share some of them with you.
I will only mention a few today, and plan to do a series of posts like this over time. The blogs in this post are in no particular order, and are not necessarily my most favorite...they are just in the forefront of my mind.
Let's get on with it.
Melis at Diary of a Zookeeper. She's great. Her writing is intelligent, witty, funny, endearing and compelling all rolled into one. While reading one of her posts, I am often "in her moment," feeling as if I am seeing things through her eyes. Her down to earth nature, and warmth make me feel as if we have been friends for a long time. I'm sending you to one of her more heartfelt posts. If you are not reading her blog, you are missing out on a real treat.
Michele at Finding Trinity. I love funny. So, I love her. She is an awesome blog friend, always leaving witty or thoughtful comments on my posts. She has a raw honesty about her that is just charming and well...funny! Again, she is down to earth (sensing a trend here), and easy to read. What are you waiting for? Go have a look for yourself. Sending to you a post that will allow you to get to know her well right off the bat.
The last person I will tell you about today is Heide of From 3 to 5. The thing about Heide is that she is as real as they come. I think I first took a liking to her because she so reminded me of one of my old friends. However, as I have gotten to know her more and more, I just think she is great in her own right! She makes me laugh...like all the time. Here's the best part, I think she's funny even when she's not trying to be so. She just tells a story sometimes in such a way that I can't help but find humor in it. Please go see for yourself what I mean. I am sending you to a Friday Fragment post she did, and there is a bit about nose picking that cracked me up.
Now...these are just a few on the ever growing list of blogs I dig...and dig 'em I do. Stay tuned, next time you might be mentioned!!
What about you? Do you already read these blogs? Any that you feel crazy over and want to share? Spill it here in the comments.
**When I say easy to read, I simply mean her posts are well written, not on the verbose side, not littered with gramatical errors, etc.** Wanted to clarify that as I may use the term again.
Jeni of Frasier Fields Swap is an Arizona blogger and she is hosting a Swap on February 27th in Mesa. A swap is a great and inexpensive way to trade in some of your old stuff. To participate, you will need to drop off at least three items. They are accepting them between Thursday and Saturday, and must be there before 9am on Saturday. In addition to the items people bring, Jeni has some great spnosors lined up, who will be there with their wares. They are listed on her blog...so go have a peek. There will also be breakfast. You can click the button in this post to head over to her blog and learn all about the swap. She explains in great detail what it is, and what you can expect. It looks like a lot of fun to me! Aside from that, it's a great way to support a fellow blogger and meet in real life ;)
Here are just a few details:
Location: Fraser Fields Historic District on the front lawn of: 213 N Fraser Dr W. Mesa AZ 85203
Cost: There is a 3-item minimum to participate and a $10 participation fee. Drop off your items Thursday thru Saturday before 9am
Please RSVP either by emailing. or with Pay Pal (you can access this on her blog)
At the very least, please head over to her blog to read more about it. I know you must have some things you would like to get out of your house, right? Don't we all?
More than likely as you read this, I am sitting in my photography class dutifully soaking up as much as I can from the instructor who, thus far, lectures by reading from the FREAKING book. Ah well, I am holding out hope that he steps up his game. In any case, the most fabulous Keely is not only hosting her Sunday "Getting to Know You" again, she also sent me the questions ahead of time so that I could participate like the good little follower I am.
You too can be a lemming supporting follower by copying/pasting these questions, answering them in a post of your own and linking up with Keely. Or not. You can always give me your down and dirty here in the comments. I love comments...don't you?
Without further horse$h!t ado, here are the questions:
1. How often do you wash/change your sheets?
Lately it has been about every other week. That sounds pretty good. Let me just throw in that it is due to my daughter having two accidents during naptime (she will only nap in my bed) within the last month. Prior to that, let's just say I'd be embarrassed to fess up.
2. When is your birthday? El once del Abril.
3. Have you ever met a bloggy friend in real life? Not yet. But I just learned that a blogger I like a lot lives like 6 houses away from me. I won't say who she is though, she is part of the witness protection program, and I don't want to single handedly send her family into a state of panic, causing them to uproot for the thousanth time in their lives...okay, really it's because she is more open about the city she lives in than I am...yet. Pst...hey neighbor...don't tell ;)
4. Brad Pitt or George Clooney? Brad Pitt, as long as he is Thelma and Louise's Brad Pitt.
5. If you could change one thing about your body what would it be? Currently, I guess it would have to be the saggy flaps of skin on my chest that used to be known as breasts. Don't want them bigger, just...well, perkier.
6. How often do you wash your hair? You mean there are moms out there who still do?
7. Do you have pets? Are horses pets? If so, then yes...two horses.
8. How many social networks do you belong to..if you had to give up one, what would it be? Four. Twitter would get the boot with nary a tear shed by me. I am not in love with Twitter, but I am trying.
Wasn't that short and sweet, and easy to read? Can't wait to check out what everyone else has to say later tonight. So, be sure to let me know if you played along. Or, like I said before...just comment here and I'll still come see what you have goin' on.
Addyson and I were sitting on the couch yesterday when she picked up a sippy cup from the floor (Lord only knows how long it had been there) and asked me to open it. I complied. She sniffed the inside of the cup, and said "Oh, that stinks...did Daddy fart in it or something? Seeing as how I have the sense of humor of a 3 year old, I laughed.
You might assume, based on her automatic question, that Andy makes a habit of farting in the sippy cups in our home then securing the lids to capture the stench for an unsuspecting child to later discover. I almost want to let you believe that to be true. It's not. He doesn't. Why that was her first inclination is beyond me.
Maybe the people in this house have an unhealthy obsession with farts. Or at least the people under 3 feet high.
I was all prepared to not do a Not Me Monday post. I feel like it's getting a little tired. So I spent the morning cleaning my kitchen floor and the inside of my bathroom cupboards. Not to mention the usual, making meals, picking up the same sippy cup a million times (well, at least 6 times), and refereeing the offspring.
Then I sat on my couch looked around my living room and said "This is not my house. Right? Someone tell me when the place will resemble a liveable space again." So here I am. Posting Not Me Monday. Go to MckMama's blog to see some more.
In order to do this post, I didn't send my children out back to play with some very flimsy rules about not shoving, and not throwing rocks.
I'm not still in my pajamas, hair a mess, and without a trace of deodorant. Pft...deodorant...who needs it?
I am not sitting here wondering what the heck we are going to have for dinner tonight, because I am always prepared ahead of time with something taken out of the freezer. Nope, I'm not sitting here complacent with nary a plan in sight.
Finally, I received the sunshine award from three people (I will post it later), and I did NOT misplace one of the names of the people who forwarded it to me. So when I do the post, and your name is not mentioned, please let me know, and I do NOT give you permission to beat me about the head with a big stick.
I almost forgot that it was time for Five Question Friday. Then I saw the reminder Mama M. left at The Blog Frog. These may be some of my favorite questions yet. Well, a couple of them anyway. If you'd like to answer too, do a post and link up to My Little Life.
1. What are you most afraid of? I used to be afraid of dying. I still am, don't let me fool you. But now, my biggest fear, beyond a shadow of doubt, is something happening to one of my children. At times I even feel a little panick stricken thinking about all there is that could happen. It's seriously a sick obsession for which I have considered seeking help. Really, I have thought about talking to our Priest...but honestly don't want to hear about how I need to let go of my earthly bonds, etc. If it were that easy, I would have done it already.
2. Do you use a flat iron or curling iron? I have used both, but not for a long time. My hair is as short as it is now because when it was long, I seldom managed to do anything other than pull it back into a ponytail. Now it's just a round brush and hair dryer.
3. Hands-free or phone to the ear? Phone to the ear. I have to say this...I don't have anything against the hands-free set, but when you are in a place where you don't need it, then get over yourself. I don't mean you, the you reading this. I mean the self-important morons who speak loud enough for everyone in a mile radius to hear, while sitting at a table in a restaurant, using hands-free (or vitually anywhere that its use would be just frivilous). What the? Serious?
4. Do you have a matching bedroom set? Yes. Me gusta mucho!
5. Do you believe in the paranormal? Hmmm. Let's see. My normal answer would be, I just don't know. However, this is catching me at an apropos time. Andy has been out of town the past two nights, and I have been awake until the wee hours, jumping at every little noise, straining to see shadows in the dark, and avoiding looking towards the location on the walls which house mirrors. Make of it what you will.
Your turn. Don't care to post, leave me a comment or two with some answers. I'm interested in what people have to say to numbers 1 and 5 the most.
Oh, and do you have any quirks that others view as off the wall? I do...you can read about my crazy here if yo haven't yet.