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  • Biting Off More Than I Can Chew

    I have a special talent. A talent for taking on projects that, at the time, seem like a great idea. A great, manageable idea. Then time starts doing its thing, and before I know it I am down to the wire on whatever project it was that I (in most cases) haven’t even begun.

    This time around I had this awesome idea to make something for my brother. He is a chef, and he and his girlfriend are going to Europe for several months in order to be exposed to their culinary cultures. So, I thought it would be fantastic to make him a travel journal/scrapbook. It will be interactive…where I pose questions for him to answer in order to make keeping it updated easier. There will also be spaces for him to write unprompted. There will be sections for him to record foods he’s eaten, wine he’s drunk, beer he’s chugged ;) and even places for pictures to be included. In my head it is the best travel journal that ever was! That’s just the problem…the thing is still just in my head.

    Enter Christine of Memories by Christine. She offers consulting on scrapbooking and such. Have you seen her blog? Have you witnessed her creativity? If not, you should…right now. Christine is going to help bring my journal to fruition. I have about a month to get it done, and as I go I will share some of the pages I have done.

    Wish me luck! Really though, I feel like I am in good hands with Christine.