Super Noob [10/21/16

  • Pictures As Promised

    Here is the new hair. Please don't judge the picture. It is horrible. It doesn't do the cut justice at all. Shella at La Lou is an amazing hair stylist, and I will be sure to post a much better picture to show off her skills.Here is the old length. Now, the deal is it NEVER looked like this. I always had it in a ponytail (like I s…

  • I Did It...Lopped the Mop

    So...after much deliberation, I decided a change was in order. I did it. I cut my hair. Tresses which previously fell below my bra strap, now are only about chin length. Photos to come very soon. It took me about 2 years to grow my hair to its previous length. Two years of being pregnant and/or nursing a baby...all the while loadi…