Super Noob:
Living in the Desert

  • You Know You Live in the Desert When...'s February and the A/C in the car is already set to 69 degrees.'s February, and you can comfortably sport a tank top and flip flops to the park.'re worried about the little ones getting a sunburn when the rest of the world seems to be bundled up just to keep warm.

    ...a dog barks outside, and your 3 year old says "Oh, I hear the coyotes!"

    ...spring means checking the yard for snakes before the kids go out to play.

    ...spring means it won't be long before you melt into a puddle in about 2 seconds flat upon stepping outside.

    ...summer seems to be a game of survival.

    ...summer means the park is pretty much off limits...leaving you scratching your head to come up with alternate means of fun.

    ...people still think the same old saying "Yeah, but it's a dry heat" is clever. It's not. Not a little bit.

    ...half the population doesn't own a lawn mower. Who needs to mow gravel?

    ...October means it's beginning to cool off. Finally it's only 99 degrees instead of 100+.

    ...the sunsets are so beautiful they nearly take your breath away.