Super Noob:
Mommy Moment

  • Slick Moves...Some Saturday Senseless Stuff

    Have you ever done a post, publish it, let it sit the entire day, and then decide to re-read it? Upon reading it, did you then discover that you had about 100 2 or 3 markedly obvious typos? After said discovery, did you go back and fix the typos as if it would make a difference? I mean, everyone who is going to read the stinkin' post already what's the point? I really have no idea, but I did that. Slick move.

    Last night Andy and I began a game of Scrabble (yawn now, I give you permission) and I played a word that I was fairly certain was not a word. He did not challenge me. I couldn't take it, so I looked it up as he was in mid-turn. It most certainly wasn't a word...after looking it up, I announce that it isn't a word, and that I want to take it off the board and lose my turn. I couldn't go on to possibly win, knowing it was because I used a fake word. He didn't want to start over (we were only like 3 turns in), I pressed the issue. He got mad and said forget the whole thing. No Scrabble for me. Slick move.

    Speaking of slick moves, a blog that I happened to find very shortly after starting my own, and love dearly is featuring me for one of my many blunders Mommy Moments. You can go read the post (when she gets it up there) at The (Un)Experienced Mom...but only if you promise not to judge. Well, okay...judge all you want, just don't tell me about it so I can go on living in ignorance.