All Together Now
Big brother.Little and Big sister.Little brother.Love it when they can all play together! …
My Kids Make Me Laugh
On a daily basis my kids say things that simultaneously astound me and make me laugh. Each time, I tell myself to write it down...but I just never do. Today I'm taking a few minutes to jot down some of the latest things they've said which stick in my memory.Colton:- Apparently working on his red neck dialect... "Mom, if you were a…
Mamas Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up to Be Cowboys...
...let 'em me doctors and lawyers and such. You've heard this Waylon Jennings and Willie Nelson song, right? If not, you can go here to check it out. I happen to like this twangy old classic, and its title relates well to something that is on my mind in varying degrees every day. No, I am not worried that my babies may actually gr…