Super Noob [01/12/17

  • Lisa Leonard Giveaway

    CONTEST NOW CLOSEDIf you have not seen Lisa Leonard's designs then you are missing out, big time. Each piece is hand crafted in sterling silver. Perfect for me as I am a silver kinda girl...are you? I was hoping you'd say yes, because Lisa is going to grant one of my awesome readers a $40.00 gift certificate to her store. You can …

  • It seems unfathomable that at one point I could scarcely go a day without blogging, let alone weeks. I am, reaching (and I mean really reaching) for something about which to blog. I am hearing Jeopardy's theme song in my head, yet...nothing. Nada. I'm convinced my head just takes up space in the world without having the…

  • Stick 'Em Up...Your Post Its That Is

    I had such a great time last week with this one, that I just had to do it again. Wanna play along, head over to Supah Mommy's (just click her post it above)to get what you need and read other's post it notes. Before you read sure to read the recipe featured by Mommy's Camera here...looks sinful!This is like therapy in seco…