Super Noob:
Getting to Know You

  • Better Late Than Never

    Hey, Keely…don’t count me out yet! I know it’s late, but I thought I’d jump in with Keely’s Getting to Know You Sunday. You still can too. I know she’ll have ya. Just answer the following questions and link up.

    1. The most expensive thing hanging in my closet is...?
    My wedding dress. Does it count if it’s actually preserved in a box? It’s still in my closet. Second to that would be my breast pump. Yep…I’m all about the glam.

    2. Have you ever played a team sport?
    Of course! Softball, swimming and track. I’m a firm believer in team sports, and will encourage all of my kids to join one as well.

    3. If you were a bug, what kind would you be?
    A dragonfly. Not just any dragonfly...a blue and yellow one. So colorful, and they can fly ;)

    4. Where on your body is the worst place to get sunburned? (thanks Ian )
    Any place is bad. But the shoulders have got to be the most painful with the need for a bra and all.

    5. Are you happy?
    Mostly, yes. I certainly have my days though.

    6. People are always abbreviating..are there any abbreviations that make your skin crawl when people use them?
    Not that I pay attention to. Unless you are talking about lol and stuff like that. In that case, all of those, most of the time. There are some people who use them (like Rose from We Live in a Zoo), and it doesn’t bother me in the least. Not sure what that’s all about. I guess because when she uses them…it’s actually in a place that I could really imagine her laughing out loud.

    7. Do you love where you live..or could you live anywhere?
    I don’t love where I live, and I could probably live anywhere. IF…it weren’t for my family. I really like being close to them, so it would be hard for me to live elsewhere for that reason.

    8. What, if any, extreme measures do you go to to keep yourself from overeating when you're full?
    None. Maybe that’s the problem.
    I’d love to see your answers too. Be sure to link up, or just leave a few right here.

  • I'm Here, Keely!

    Keely over at Mannland5 does Getting to Know You on Sundays, and it has been a little while since I have participated with her. Her questions are fun, and make for an easy post. Just what I need on a Sunday. If you decide you'd like to participate just copy and paste the questions into a post, answer and link up. Easy.

    1. If you could star in any movie genre..what would it be..romance..horror..comedy..suspense or action?
    How about a mix of comedy and romance? That seems about right.

    2. Do you recycle?
    Of course. I wear the same clothes at least twice before I wash them...oh, that's not what you meant? Yes, I do recycle.

    3. Have you ever been to a strip club?
    Totally not my cup of tea...but I have.

    4. Do you have a nickname?
    I guess "Nonie." Started as Shanonie, and was shortened. My old boss was the one to call me that, and it stuck for some people.

    5. What's a name you can't stand to be called?
    I'm not a big fan of "honey, sweetie, baby." Yuck.

    6. What are your Summer staples?
    As is food? I have no idea. How about clothes...I say my flip flops. Can't be without them.

    7. What was the last thing you bought for yourself?
    A roll of sugar free wintergreen breath savers and a pack of gum.

    8. Are you happy with your boob size?
    I'm indifferent to be honest. I have never been wrapped up in that at all.

    There you have it. How about you? Gonna play? Let me know so I can come see...or just answer any or all of them right here.

  • I'm Tired. So the Filter in My Brain Isn't Working Properly...You'll See What I Mean.

    I'm Tired. So the Filter in My Brain Isn't Working Properly...You'll See What I Mean.

    I survived the party at our house today. It was pretty easy really. But now I am just wiped out! So I am going to get my Sunday post done and go to bed. Keely is awesome. Did you know that? She always sends me the questions early so I can play along since I have my class on Sunday. This week's questions are interesting to say the least. Here they are:

    1 - Why did you start blogging?
    To save the world. Or just because I thought it would be a fun way to document memories and then be able to have them all printed into a keepsake book. I'd love to have something like that now if my mom had done it. Of course, she would never start a blog today (right, mom?).

    2 - Who's the one blog friend that you would want to meet most in "real life"?
    I just get warm and fuzzy thinking about her. ;) All I'll say, is that she knows who she is!

    3 - Why are you always concerned with losing that "extra 10 pounds" when chances are your husband/boyfriend/friends tell you that you look just fine the way you are?
    Because I don't believe him, and more importantly, because the extra 10 pounds are 10 pounds that weren't there before I got pregnant. I just want to have my whole wardrobe of clothes opened up to me again. Nothing too vain, just don't want to buy more clothes.

    4 - What's the one thing you wish guys could understand about you?
    About me? Like me specifically? I actually think most men have understood me better than a lot of women. I have always gotten along really well with the male species.

    5 - Tattoos. How many do you have and how many are visible when you wear your "everyday" clothes?
    A big fat zero. None. I've never wanted anything enough to have it permanently etched into my skin. Don't mind them on others...just not my thing.

    6 - What was the best year of your life and why?
    This is impossible to answer. There are stand out events in many years, but no one year that is so great as to tower above the rest. Each and every year is one I can say has been full of both all things wonderful, and not so wonderful.

    7 - Name three things you would do if you were a man for one day.
    I'm just gonna say it...have sex. Of course, this would mean that my husband and I have switched places since I am married (because there is no other way I would do this). But I do wonder why men seem to like it so much more (generally speaking) than women. Not that I don't...okay, I'm done talking about that. Can't think of anything else right now...but I think that's big enough to count for three.

    8 - What's your alcoholic drink of choice that usually raises a few eyebrows?
    I don't drink anything that raises eyebrows. I like dark beer...people typically find that unusual. But I like a good glass of wine too. I'm afraid my days of "buffalo sweat" and "prarie fire" are long over.

    So that's it. I'd be mighty happy to read what you have to say as well. You can link up with Keely, or you can leave me your answers right here. Happy Sunday!

  • Keely's Got Questions...and I've Got Answers

    Keely's Got Questions...and I've Got Answers

    I'm hitchin' a ride on the Keely train again today. I know she has a new button, but I'm a rebel. I like the old one because it links back to her blog. So maybe I'm not a rebel so much as I am lazy and I just don't have the energy to cut/copy the new button and create a link too. You can play along by simply answering the following questions in a post of your own and linking it up to Keely's blog. Go ahead...give it a try.

    1. What's your favorite Easter candy?
    Toss up between the two most disgustingly awesome candies ever. Cadburry Creme Eggs, or Marshmallow Peeps. I'd have to go with the Creme Egg. I could go for one right now.

    2. Who do you think is or women?
    This is a loaded question. Honestly I think it depends on the person. I have seen absolute slobs from both categories. I think my husband and I are equally matched in the clean department.

    3. Which do you prefer..wordy blog posts or ones with pictures?
    My answer is not a definite one or the other. In general, I like the posts that are not ultra long, however...when it is well written and keeps my attention, then I like it. Pictures are always great, whether the post is long or short.

    4. Were you popular in highschool?
    I was in this strange sort of limbo land. I had friends from the "cool crowd," and ones from the "not so cool crowd." I honestly felt like I could relate to the uncool kids better than my other friends. Not sure what that makes me. After all this time, still trying to figure out where I belong :)

    5. What's your bra size?
    All I'm going to say to this, is that after nursing my two little ones for over a year breasts could now be featured on the front cover of National Geographic. How's that for a mental image?

    6. How many states have you lived in?
    Four. California, Arizona, Massachusettes, back to Arizona, Colorado, and back to that order.

    7. What's one blog you read every day?
    I don't know that there is one blog that I read every day. There are several that I read each time they post, but it's not daily usually. I know this is all in an effort to get me to name drop. Just look at the blogs I have listed on the right side of my blog. I really love them all. They are the ones I frequent.

    8. Peanut butter or Nutella?
    It took me forever to try Nutella, and I do think it's tasty...but I have to go with good ol' peanut butter. Love it in my oatmeal.

    So, any of you braver than I am with the whole bra question? Really, that's just one tid bit that I don't feel like shouting from the rooftops...or putting in a blog post ;) Regardless, you can answer any or all of the questions right here in the comments if you decide not to do a post of your own.

  • Get Ready to Gasp...Or Something

    Get Ready to Gasp...Or Something

    First if you haven't entered to win a fantastic nursing cover, please do so here.

    I just finished getting my assignment together for the photography class I am taking. It's Saturday night (as I write this), and Keely sent me the questions ahead of time so I could get this post done. Isn't she swell? I think so. Why not head to her blog after reading this to see what others answered to the following questions? Heck...while you're at it, copy and paste the questions to play along. Just remember to link back to Keely :)

    1. Would you rather bungee jump or sky dive?
    Really? Hmmm...would I rather plunge to my death via faulty parachute or faulty rope? Guess I'd say parachute. It would probably most resemble the feeling of flying, and because I fly in my dreams I'd love to see what it's like in real life.

    2. When using a public restroom to you squat over the seat or sit?
    Always hover. Never sit. YUCK! As gross as this is, I even use my forearm as a barrier between the seat and my daughter's butt when I take her to the bathroom in public. I can scrub my arm, not so easy to do with her butt.

    3. Favorite flower?
    Tulip or calla lilly or tulip...I can't decide. I love them both...had both in my wedding.

    4. Pedicure or manicure?
    There once was a woman who actually had time for this sort of thing. Where did she go?
    5. How many siblings do you have?
    One fabulous brother. Three years younger than I.

    6. Do you pee in the shower? (gasp!)
    Gasp? What do you mean gasp?

    7. Bikini, tankini, or one piece?
    Hazmat suit, thank you very much.

    8. Where do you hate to shop at, but go there anyway?
    The grocery store.

    Inquiring minds want to know...what are your answers? Leave 'em here or post and link 'er up!

  • Are My Hair Washing Rituals Really That Interesting?

    Are My Hair Washing Rituals Really That Interesting?

    More than likely as you read this, I am sitting in my photography class dutifully soaking up as much as I can from the instructor who, thus far, lectures by reading from the FREAKING book. Ah well, I am holding out hope that he steps up his game. In any case, the most fabulous Keely is not only hosting her Sunday "Getting to Know You" again, she also sent me the questions ahead of time so that I could participate like the good little follower I am.

    You too can be a lemming supporting follower by copying/pasting these questions, answering them in a post of your own and linking up with Keely. Or not. You can always give me your down and dirty here in the comments. I love comments...don't you?

    Without further horse$h!t ado, here are the questions:

    1. How often do you wash/change your sheets?

    Lately it has been about every other week. That sounds pretty good. Let me just throw in that it is due to my daughter having two accidents during naptime (she will only nap in my bed) within the last month. Prior to that, let's just say I'd be embarrassed to fess up.

    2. When is your birthday?
    El once del Abril.

    3. Have you ever met a bloggy friend in real life?
    Not yet. But I just learned that a blogger I like a lot lives like 6 houses away from me. I won't say who she is though, she is part of the witness protection program, and I don't want to single handedly send her family into a state of panic, causing them to uproot for the thousanth time in their lives...okay, really it's because she is more open about the city she lives in than I am...yet. Pst...hey neighbor...don't tell ;)

    4. Brad Pitt or George Clooney?
    Brad Pitt, as long as he is Thelma and Louise's Brad Pitt.

    5. If you could change one thing about your body what would it be?
    Currently, I guess it would have to be the saggy flaps of skin on my chest that used to be known as breasts. Don't want them bigger, just...well, perkier.

    6. How often do you wash your hair?
    You mean there are moms out there who still do?

    7. Do you have pets?
    Are horses pets? If so, then yes...two horses.

    8. How many social networks do you belong to..if you had to give up one, what would it be?
    Four. Twitter would get the boot with nary a tear shed by me. I am not in love with Twitter, but I am trying.

    Wasn't that short and sweet, and easy to read? Can't wait to check out what everyone else has to say later tonight. So, be sure to let me know if you played along. Or, like I said before...just comment here and I'll still come see what you have goin' on.

  • I Eat Snails

    I Eat Snails

    Keely was so nice and emailed me the questions early, and I still dropped the ball and neglected to get this post up until now. I started my photography class today...very excited. In any case, I am home now, and getting my answers in for Keely's Sunday blog hop.

    1. How many piercing's do you have?

    Well, the answer to how many I have had, and how many I have now is different. I, at one time, had my ears pierced twice, and my belly button pierced. Now I just have my ears pierced once. Not to say you can't see where the previous piercings were, but I consider them inactive.
    2. I love the sound of...?
    Rain on the roof when I am trying to go to sleep. Or anything other than my children screaming.

    3. Favorite city?
    Dublin, Ireland. To date, but I plan on seeing so many more, that I reserve the right to change my mind.

    4. Colts, Saints, or could care less?
    Well, I don't care that much. Seeing as how I am being asked to choose, I will say Saints.

    5. Frozen yogurt or ice cream?
    What? Who came up with this? I suppose I copuld be all health conscious and say frozen yogurt, but that would be a big fat lie from my big fat ice cream eating mouth.

    6. Favorite appetizer?
    Is this assuming I only eat at one type of restaurant? I mean, come one it French, Italian, Greek, Mexican? The choice is different at each. I'll pick French. Escargot.

    7. What item in your closet currently makes you the happiest?
    Anything that I can stretch over my arse.

    8.Favorite facial moisturizer?
    Clinique. Moisture Surge to be precise.

    Now, I showed you mine...let's see yours!

  • Take Notes, I Will Be Conducting a Quiz

    Take Notes, I Will Be Conducting a Quiz

    I was thinking that lately that I have been doing way too many of these meme things and not enough writing just my own thoughts. Then I slapped myself and said "snap out of it." So, here I am...once again, sharing with Keely and the gang. If you're new to these parts (and I sincerley thank you for joining) then you haven't seen this before. If you want to join in, just copy the questions and answer them in a post of your own, and link up to MannLand5.

    The questions..

    1. Waffles, pancakes or french toast?
    Gotta say it's a toss up between pancakes and french toast. French toast if it's done right. Either way I have to have a little butter and powdered sugar on top. If I'm going to indulge...I'm not going in half way.
    **If I'm eating for health, I actually have a recipe for very healthy, protein packed pancakes**

    2. Dream home..What would it look like?
    Heck, it could be a cardbaord box if it had a kitchen like this...

    3. Favorite sport to watch during the Winter Olympics?
    Ice skating, though I much prefer summer olympics...and eventhough it wasn't asked, I'm going to tell you anyway, that then I love to watch swimming.

    4. The first word that comes to mind when describing yourself?

    5. Dresses, pants (jeans, leggings, etc.) or skirts?
    Jeans all the way...for like a month out of the year. Then, it's shorts, tanktops and flip flops.

    6. What is your favorite time of day?
    Night. It's the only time of day when I can hear the voices in my head myself think.

    7. Beach or Mountains..which do you prefer?
    Really? This would be like asking me which kid I love most. There is so much to love about each, and they are so different. Even looking at the bad...on one hand Jaws has me marked, and the other there is a bear waiting to turn me into shredded beef.

    8.Will you watch the Super Bowl?
    No! I will be in my photography class.

  • T.M.I


    We're back today from Flagstaff, where we took the kids sledding with my Dad. A good time was had by all. I am more thankful today than I ever have been for Keely's Getting to Know You. Anyone else find it mildly amusing (and SUPER wonderful) that she is doing something so donating to Red Cross for every link or follower today (very grounded and deep), then the questions are so superficial (which I love, big time)! Irony at its best. If you're not familiar with this one, just cut and copy the questions into a post. Answer them, then link up to Keely's blog. Oh, and you probably oughta mention that she is our charming hostess. This week's questions are:

    1. Hair color..Au naturale..or not?
    Almost. I have highlights, does that count?

    2. If somebody has food in their teeth or lipstick on their teeth do you tell them?
    If it's my husband yes. Anyone else...depends on just who it is. For example, there was a time when some coworkers and I went out for lunch together with our boss. The boss had a piece of chicken (thread-like in quality) that was firmly imbedded between his teeth and was fluttering in the wind of his breath as he spoke. Totally didn't say anything.

    3. Would you rather have a million dollars or your vision of the perfect body?
    Well, really...if I had a million dollars, couldn't I just pay someone to train me into the perfect body? So, totally the million dollars.

    4. Favorite magazine?
    What are those? Seriously, I never get to read magazines anymore...but when I do, I just like nonsense. So, People is my choice.

    5. Bra style..lacey or plain?
    Gravitate towards plain. I like color, but not a fan of the lace. (didn't you ever read the post Erin at the Motherload did?)

    6. If you walked into Victoria's Secret..would you most likely come out with something sexy or comfy?
    Comfy. I've said this before (to Erin actually), but sexy is shaving off the fur pants.

    7. Do you fake and bake?
    Really? Um, no.

    8. What's your favorite body part on a man?
    Well, I do enjoy looking at a nice little tush...but I have a thing for hands.

    Now that I'm done, I want to know what you have to say. If you don't do your own post, leave your answers in the comments!

  • At This Rate, You Will Soon Know More About Me Than You Ever Wanted...

    At This Rate, You Will Soon Know More About Me Than You Ever Wanted...

    I am assuming since you are reading further, you haven't reached that point yet. I'm grateful for that! I am absolutely sweet on my readers, and to all those who have recently joined me...a big fat KISS and a heartfelt thank you! Moving on...Thanks to Keely for once again, providing us all with the perfect Sunday post. I now look forward to it each week. If you haven't played along, you should. Oh, and Keely...I might have a question or two for ya for next time if you are open to suggestions.

    1. If you were stranded on a desert island and could pick one person to be stranded with you..Who would you pick? Family members not included.
    Okay, this one is going to sound morbid, and maybe a little weird. But it won't be the first time I have seemed a little weird. I had a best male friend when I was younger, and when we were twenty he passed away. Now before you go saying things like "I'm sorry, etc. I am not trying to elcit that sort of response. It's been 14 years since it happened. Anyway, since this is an imaginary question, and since I can choose whomever I want, I would choose him. He was a carpenter by trade so it would be no time before we were living in Swiss Family Robinson Style.

    2. Do you read celebrity gossip?
    Once upon a time I did. These days I'm not interested, and probably more than that, I don't have time. Occasionally, something will catch my eye in the checkout line, and I am lured as if it were a siren song. Other than those times, no...I don't.

    3. Favorite show you're waching this season?
    Does Grey's Anatomy count? There hasn't been a new episode in a looong time, but I love that show. If it doesn't count, then sadly and with much shame, I will say the Bachelor.

    4. How tall are you?
    I'm 5'7". I would love to be 5'8". I think it's the perfect height. Gracefully tall.

    5. What was the last book you read?
    Brother Odd by Dean Koontz. I am suffering reading through Odd Hours currently. I like Koontz, but am not a huge fan of these books. Why, then am reading the whole series? That's just how I roll. Once I begin a book, I have to finish matter how horrid. I should say, these books aren't horrid, I just don't like them much.

    6. Flats or heels?
    Middle of the road I guess. I don't wear flats, but my heels are not neck breakers. I have always been athletic, and still am, but when it comes to the sort of coordination required to don some fabulously high heels, I just aint got it!

    7. If you had to choose one natural disaser to go through, what would you choose..Earthquake, Tornado, or Hurricane?
    Can I cheat and say none of the above? Oh, okay. Then I guess I would say earthquake. But only so long as I am just visiting wherever it was happening, and I survive. On a sidenote, I used to think I would like to be on a plane that was going down, but pulls through at the last minute. Not sure what I was thinking, because now there is no way in hell I would want to experience that.

    8. Thong, panties, or (gasp) granny panties?
    I wore panties (though not my granny's) forever. Like until I was about 25. Then I finally came around. I used to say "I spend so much time digging my drawers outta my behind, why would I wear something designed to sit up my arse." Then, I tried them...and they were torture (come on, don't say they weren't for you too). But...after getting used to it, there was no going back. All I wear now.

    What about you? Want to play along? Copy and paste the questions in your own post, answer them and link up to Keely. It's fun! Since I so adore comments, you can feel free to leave me some as well ;)

    Happy Sunday,

  • Since You Asked...

    Since You Asked...

    It's nice to not have to think too hard on Sunday. That's why I love to participate in Keely's Getting to Know You. She (with help this time) comes up with questions, and I just have to answer them. Nice. Here goes.

    1. Where were you born?

    I actually answered this question right here, in a whole post dedicated to getting to know me.
    2. Toilet you crinkle/crumple or fold it?
    Crumple. I want to sh!$ and get I guess...I don't pay a lot of attention to the procedures.

    3. What was the last movie you saw in the theater?
    I went to see New Moon with my cousin Thanksgiving night. That was the first time in I can't remember how long.
    4. What room to you spend the most time in besides your bedroom?
    The living room...during the day, the kids and I play there together, and at night I use my laptop there for a little while. Then Andy and I either play a board game together or watch a little t.v.

    5. Would you be grossed out if you found out your husband/boyfriend/significant other hadn't brushed their teeth for 4 days and you had been snogging (kissing) them?
    Okay...seriously if my husband hadn't brushed his teeth for four days I wouldn't be snogging him to begin with, because trust me, I would know.
    6. Do you fold your underwear?
    Nope. Total mayhem in the underwear drawer.

    7. What is one goal you would like to achieve this year?
    Honestly my list of goals is a running one. I didn't do a new list for the new year. If I had to choose one from the list to accomplish this year, I suppose it would be my desire to become more adept at taking pictures.
    8. What is your favorite month/least favorite month?
    I have never thought of this before. Hmmm. In Arizona, June on through to September pretty much have you feeling like you are living in the blazes of hell. But that doesn't make me dislike any of the months. I don't have one. How 'bout that?

    If you haven't participated in this, you should. So go ahead, copy the questions into a post of your own and then link back to Keely. For those of you who just don't feel like it, I'd still love to see a couple of your answers. You can leave them right here in the comments.