Super Noob [05/04/17

  • You Know You’re a Mom When-sDAZE

    As parents, we constantly find ourselves saying things that we just can't quite believe came out of our mouths, or misting up over a few scribbles on a page, or finding ourselves in situations that could only be the result of having offspring. So it was for all those reasons I started "You know you're a mom (or dad) When-sDAZE." T…

  • Tasty Tuesday –Pseudo Paella

    ***Don't forget to head here to participate and win some Reefs***Today, Liz from a Bell a Bean and a Chicago Dog has agreed to share a recipe with us all. Liz is great fun, so if you haven’t met her…go say hello!Here is her recipe:I love one-pot dinners. So easy to make and easy to clean up.I always seem to accumulate partial cont…