Super Noob:
San Diego

  • Our Trip to San Diego and Photo Overload

    Our Trip to San Diego and Photo Overload

    Last weekend we loaded up the car and made the trek to San Diego. Of course, I use the term trek loosely. It’s not an incredibly long drive, though with screaming kids in the car, 5 minutes can seem like an eternity.

    We spent one day at Sea World and the next at the beach. Wouldn’t it figure that I (a mother of kids in ARIZONA) managed to let my little ones get a wee bit too much sun? I actually felt a little mom fail on that one. Nobody got badly burned, but Addyson had a little too much on her back and her nose. Colton his cheeks and nose, and Drew the same. My face was completely red, as was Andy’s. I did lather sunscreen onto everyone, and I even had the kids in protective sun-wear the day of the beach. Alas, the sun still found the creamy white flesh that adorns my children and left its mark. Mom fail.

    Anyway, thought I’d share some photos from our little escapade.

    Nothing says Sea World like Abby’s Sea Star Spin!

    San Diego 2010 002

    Drew was foolish brave enough to sit down in the soak zone…and let me tell you, they are not kidding when they use the word “soak.”

    San Diego 2010 034
    San Diego 2010 033

    Ugh…the blanket. We couldn’t leave the blanket in the car. There it is nestled under her sweet little cheek.

    San Diego 2010 039

    See that? Overcast skies at the beach…and still too much sun.

    San Diego 2010 005
    San Diego 2010 019
    San Diego 2010 009
    San Diego 2010 026

    Now that I have sufficiently bogged down the blogger system with my photo overload…I bid you adieu. Or adios. Or пока.