This One Goes Out to the One I Love
Happy birthday to my husband! Today he is 36. GASP! I can't believe that he was 27 when we met. Where on earth has time gone? Oh, I also wanted to make it very clear, that I am not 36. I am almost 34. Just to be clear ;)If ever there was a person who was a magnet for weird...my husband is it! Being his birthday, I thought it would…
I've Been Tagged...
...by the Lucky Chinese TagErin over at The Mother Load tagged me. I have to now tell you my answers in each of the categories, then tag 8 new people.8 TV Shows I Watch: (I have to say that if I could, I would watch all of these shows. I don't. I have watched them all, and like them all, but never watch them all)-Grey's Anantomy-P…